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TeachNet NYC: Lesson Plans
Un Samedi à Paris

Project URL: http://teachersnetwork.org/teachnet-lab/huck/samedi.htm 

Purpose of the Project:

The aim of this learning experience is to provide a learner-centered, performance-based lesson in which students work cooperatively to plan a day of activities in Paris. Students conduct research on the Internet using authentic French materials, assemble information in a meaningful way via a
dialogue, and present their project to the class orally.
The students will alternate between the computer lab and the classroom. The teacher will meet with groups throughout the unit to ensure all members are on task and to answer any linguistic or technical questions. Students are assessed individually by a scoring rubric, which they see at the commencement of the project thereby providing them with clear expectations.

Standards Addressed by This Unit:

Foreign Language Arts Standards:
Communications Skills:
Listening and Speaking: Provide students with opportunities for informal discussion with teacher and peers; provide students with culturally appropriate vocabulary and nonverbal cues; oral presentations
Reading and Writing: Provide information from short notes or messages derived from authentic material such as advertisements, newspapers, magazines, posters, etc.; provide the tools, such as dictionaries and other reference materials, that will enable students to pursue independent reading; provide opportunity to compose short reports expressing personal opinions and to write creative text; provide a simple structure with a range of tenses

Cultural Understanding:
Cross-cultural: provide opportunities for students to draw comparisons with their own society and other societies; emphasize the aspects of culture most closely related to the comprehension and production of language

Technology Content Standards:
Students develop positive attitudes toward technology uses that support lifelong learning, collaboration, personal pursuits, and productivity. Students use technology tools to enhance learning, increase productivity, and promote creativity. Students use productivity tools to collaborate in constructing technology-enhanced models, prepare publications, and produce other creative works. Students use technology to locate, evaluate, and collect information from a variety of sources.
Students use technology resources for solving problems and making informed decisions.

Software Materials Used:

Internet access, word processor


This project is designed for high school students at the third year of study or above. This unit covers a lot of vocabulary that students have previously studied, such as transportation, food, shopping, etc. Basic computer skills are necessary. I group students according to language and technical ability level, with 3-4 students per group. Also take into consideration the group members who have a computer at home, as many students like additional time to construct elaborate projects with colorful


This project is standards-based, and enables students to improve their proficiency in French through the four language skills: reading, writing, listening, and speaking. Students draw on prior knowledge of the subject, use authentic cultural resources to locate further information, and construct their own meaning via the dialogue presentation. The affective benefits of this program are the shared decision-making and responsibility
of working in a group, and the sense of accomplishment all members will achieve from contributing their unique skills and perspectives. Once they are introduced to these French resources, students will return to them again and again for self-directed learning and knowledge acquisition.


Be sure to preview all the links first to find out if they are all active. You may want to adapt the student directions sheet to add more of your own favorite links.

Carla Huck was the Assistant Principal and Technology Coordinator
of University Neighborhood High School in Manhattan. Her students there continued the Internet projects she implemented as an ESL and French teacher at Murry Bergtraum High School.  She is the winner of several technology awards, such as the AOL Foundation IEI grant, Pioneering Partners Grant, and NY State Model Teachers Award. She hopes to transfer her personal interest in and enthusiasm for travel and cultural exploration to her students through lessons like this one.

Email: cbhuck@teachersnetwork.org

Estimated 10+

Subjects: Foreign Language

Beginning Grade Level: 11

Ending Grade Level: 12


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