Inventors and Their Inventions

How It Works: 
Imagine a day without inventions. We wouldn't even last an hour --- let alone 24 hours. We humans depend on our inventions for survival. Because inventions are so vital to our everyday living, a theme such as this is crucial. The unit Inventors and Their Inventions provides creative activities and ready-to-use materials that cover concepts in social studies, math, science and language arts. All activities include fascinating background information, lesson ideas, and extensions that can be scaled up or down depending on the grade level of your students.

Knows areas in which technology has improved human lives (e.g., transportation, communication, nutrition, sanitation, health care, entertainment)
Knows that new inventions often lead to other new inventions and ways of doing things
Knows that new inventions reflect people's needs and wants, and when these change, technology changes to reflect the new needs and wants
Knows about technological inventions and developments that evolved during the 19th century and the influence of these changes on the lives of workers
Reports orally and in writing about an invention or discovery
Participates in collaborative groups and discusses possible steps that might have led up to an invention
Employs simple equipment and tools to gather data and extend the senses by suing rulers to measure the length, height and depth of objects and materials
Evaluates a product or design

Estimated Class Periods To Complete:
 10 or more

Software Materials Used:
Software needed to complete projects include multimedia presentation software such as HyperStudio, PowerPoint, KidPix and a word processor.

invention, inventor, inspiration, patent, aerodynamic, thrust, wingspan, speed. altitude, distance, launch, pilot, flight, duration, Renaissance, friction, load, force, surface area, distance, inclined plane, lever, fulcrum, wedge, screw, wheel, axle, pulley, machines, wacky, contraption, convention, trademark, copyrights, symbols

This project is suitable for the intermediate grades in elementary school and can be adapted for middle school students as well. The lessons take into consideration the different learning styles of students. Students can be grouped in order to complete projects or they can be done individually. Students will need basic skills in reading and writing as well as technology.

In this captivating unit students will learn about some of the inventions that helped shape the history and character of our country. Students will see how progress in such fields as science, electronics, communications, technology, transportation changed the way we live and work. Students will feel involved in the invention process throughout these lessons.

Conduct basic training on Internet navigation prior to beginning unit. Check all links to make sure they are still active. Have all printables ready for students. Share the rubrics provided for each project so that students are well aware of expectations.

About the Teacher: 
Rosa M. Sampedro has been teaching in the Miami-Dade Public School System for 17 years. She received her Bachelor's Degree and Master's Degree from Florida International University. She is the Parent Trainer and School Site Coordinator for the Citibank FamilyTech program in her school. Recently, she was spotlighted in Miami The Herald Newspaper as "Super Teacher" for integrating technology in her Spanish lessons. She is the Lead Teacher for the "I Choose" Dual Language Program at Lorah Park Elementary School.

Social Studies & Language Arts

Grade Levels: 
3 - 10

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