Land Ho!  Discoveries of the Great European Explorers

How It Works:  "Land Ho!" is a unit that allows students to imagine that they are standing on the deck of an old ship along side daring, courageous, and curious explorers of the past. They take a step back in time with them and travel to a world that is both dangerous and exciting.

Students learn about each explorer's accomplishments and will know how trade led to exploration and understand how significant their discoveries were.

Students also create a vast array of multimedia presentations and use other technologies to make their journey a memorable one.

Are you curious to investigate what the life of an explorer was like? Have you ever wondered how the explorers became famous? Have you ever imagined yourself as an explorer?

Well wait no longer, step aboard, and join this adventure to faraway lands and walk away informed, enlightened and exhilarated.


  • Understands and knows how to analyze chronological relationships and patterns
  • Understands the broadly defined eras of state and local historical events
  • Knows how to interpret data presented in time lines (e.g., identify the time at which events occurred; the sequence in which events developed; what else was occurring at the time)
  • Knows how to construct time lines in significant historical developments that mark at evenly spaced intervals the years, decades, and centuries
  • Knows about the forced relocation of Native Americans and how their lives, rights, and territories were affected by European colonization
  • Knows the journeys of Marco Polo and Christopher Columbus, the routes they took, and what happened as a result of their travels
  • Understands how historians learn about the past if there are no written records
  • Knows the effects geography has had on the different aspects of societies (e.g., the development of urban centers, food, clothing, industry, agriculture, shelter, trade)
  • Understands various aspects of family life, structures, and roles in different cultures and in many eras
  • Knows about life in urban areas and communities of various cultures of the world at various times in their history
  • Knows about European explorers of the 15th and 16th centuries, their reasons for exploring, the information gained from their journeys, and what happened as a result of their travels
  • Uses desktop publishing programs, online services, and multimedia authoring programs to develop projects

Estimated Class Periods To Complete: 10 or more.

Software Materials Used:  Software needed to complete projects include multimedia presentation software such as HyperStudio, PowerPoint, KidPix and a word processor.

Keywords:  famous explorers, European explorers, history, Renaissance, Age of Discovery, Vikings, Marco Polo, Samuel Champlain, Ferdinand Magellan, James Cook, Henry the Navigator

Students:  This project is suitable for the intermediate grades in elementary school and can be adapted for middle school students as well. The lessons take into consideration the different learning styles of students. Students can be grouped in order to complete projects or they can be done individually. Students will need basic skills in reading and writing as well as technology.

Overall:  The intent of this project is to give students the opportunity to investigate several of the most famous early explorers and then take this information to create technology- rich projects and presentations. Students learn new things about the lives of explorers and walk away interested in exploring brand new lands. They will become fascinated in learning more about historical events that have shaped the world. The unit’s goal is to plant the seed inside each student so that they can discover and explore on their own.

Tips:  Conduct basic training on Internet navigation prior to beginning unit. Check all links to make sure they are still active. Have all printables ready for students. Share the rubrics provided for each project so that students are well aware of expectations.

About the Teacher: Rosa M. Sampedro has been teaching in the Miami-Dade Public School System for 16 years. She received her Bachelor's Degree and Master's Degree from Florida International University. She is the Parent Trainer and School Site Coordinator for the Citibank FamilyTech program in her school.

Subjects:  Social Studies 

Grade Levels:  3 through 8


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