Experiment #2:

I’m Thirsty


1.                  Display two healthy green plants.  Have children compare them to determine that they are alike and are growing well.

2.                Tell children that you are going to conduct an experiment to see if plants need water to grow.  Explain that you will use the two plants in the experiment.

3.                Water one plant and label it “Water.”  Tell children that for a few days you will water this plant as needed to keep it moist.

4.                Then label the other plant “No Water.”  Tell children that for a few days you will not water this plant.

5.                Ask children to guess what will happen to each of the plants.  Write their predictions, or have them write their predictions on index cards.  Tally their predictions.  Present information in a chart titled “Which One Will Grow?”

6.                Give each child a copy of the Science Experiment Form.  Help students complete their sheets to tell about their experiment.

7.                After several days, compare the two plants.  Discuss the results.  (The plant that was watered grew.  The plant that was not watered withered.)  Have children record their results on their Experiment Form.