The Big Buck Adventure:

Part 2


Objective:  Students become familiar with making change.  They practice adding and subtracting money. 

Materials:  The Big Buck Adventure  by Shelley Gil, computer with Internet connection, television hooked up to computer.  

Book Overview:  
A little girl sets out on an enjoyable shopping afternoon.  Soon, however, she is overwhelmed with all of the choices she must make.  

Review with students what happened in yesterday's story. Review story map from homework.  Review with students how to add and subtract money.  Tell them they will be going on a shopping spree of their own today.  

Web Activities:   
Students will be given a Shopping Spree activity sheet.  Explain that they have won $100 that they can spend on a fake shopping spree. They can visit websites to shop for articles.  Bookmark a few for them in anticipation such as and  On their activity sheet, they can list articles they want and add up the grand total.  

Shopping Spree activity sheet can be used for assessment.    

Home Learning:
Students look for newspaper adds from a supermarket to shop for groceries with $50.

Additional Links:
Education 4 Kids-Money Experiences students learn how to solve real world math problems using money drills

Math Cats- Using Money students view graphics of money to help them solve math money problems

