Teachers Network

RUBRIC:  Narrative Account Webpage








First paragraph has a “grabber” or a catchy beginning.

First paragraph has a weak “grabber.”

A catchy beginning was attempted but was confusing rather than catchy.

No attempt was made to catch the reader’s attention in the first paragraph.


The story is very well organized.  One idea or scene follows another in a logical sequence with clear transitions.

The story is pretty well organized.  One idea or scene may seem out of place.  Clear transitions are used.

The story is a little hard to follow.  The transitions are sometimes not clear.

Ideas and scenes seem to be randomly arranged.


It is very easy for the reader to understand the problem the main characters face and why it is a problem.

It is fairly easy for the reader to understand the problem the main characters face and why it is a problem.

It is fairly easy for the readers to understand the problem the main characters face but it is not clear why it is a problem.

It is not clear what problems the main characters face.


All of the written requirements (# of pages, # of graphics, type of graphics, etc.) were met.

Almost all of the written requirements were met.

Most of the written requirements were met.

Many requirements were not met.

Spelling and Punctuation

There are no spelling or punctuation errors in the final draft.  Character and place names that the author invented are spelled consistently throughout.

There are a few spelling or punctuation errors in the final draft.

There are a number of spelling and punctuation errors in the final draft.

There are many spelling and punctuation errors in the final draft, making the story difficult to read.


The story contains many creative details and/or descriptions that contribute to the reader’s enjoyment.  The author has really used his/her imagination.

The story contains a few creative details and/or descriptions that contribute to the reader’s enjoyment.  The author has used his/her imagination.

The story contains a few creative details and/or descriptions, but they distract from the story.  The author has tried to use his/her imagination.

There is little evidence of creativity in the story.  The author does not seem to have used much imagination.
















