Teachers Network

Lesson #4:  Microsoft Publisher Webpage


Instructional Objective: Students will format their narrative writing assignment by creating a Microsoft Publisher Webpage

Do Now: Using image search engines such as Pics4Learning http://pics.tech4learning.com/ , Kidsclick http://kidsclick.org/psearch.html, or the "images" section of Google http://google.com/imghp?hl=en&tab=wi&q= find a graphic for each page of your webpage that corresponds with the information on that page.

Materials:  laptop with LCD projector, student laptops or desktop computers (one for each student),  Internet connection


Walk the students through the process of creating a Publisher Webpage:

-discuss the different templates, and how the information can be applied to each one

-show students the toolbar, and discuss how it is similar to the Microsoft Word toolbar

-demonstrate how to search for and cut and paste graphics that are appropriate for each page    

-reiterate the pages that students must have in their webpage

-stress that the information should be on the webpage before the graphics are added


Work Period:

-Students will spend 3-5 days creating their webpage that will contain pages with their journal entries, their comments page, reflection page, and introduction page.

-Students will have other students edit their work before they present it to the class.




-Supplementary lessons concerning peer editing can be added at any point during this process.

-For the final project, I set up the desks in a horseshoe shape and had students set their webpage up on the computer.  Students were then free to wander around the room reading one another’s webpage and adding to the comments page.

- If the teacher or students need more help with Publisher, try one of these resources for tutorials: http://officetutorials.com/publishertutorials.htm or http://desktoppub.about.com/od/publisher/


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