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New Teachers Online: How-To Articles: Use New Technology to Reinforce Instruction

Computer Centers
Ann Stephenson

Most teachers know that in order for a student to retain what is being taught, it is necessary to reinforce the lesson with  activities such as retelling, writing, solving, acting out, or some kind of kinetic endeavor.  

If the concept is learned by means of the higher levels of Bloom’s Taxonomy, children will be able to associate it with other information that has been stored in their brains. Many studies have proven this theory and it makes sense that a reinforcing or repetitive activity will stay with the student for a longer time. Doing this by way of computer activities enables it to be fun.

To use the computer to reinforce instruction, students search the internet to find activities relating to what was taught. If the children are too young to find websites themselves, write the addresses on the board or open them on the computers prior to usage.

The following examples can get you started; add more to the list as you find them. Due to their discovery of online learning activities, a mere twenty minutes will benefit the boys and girls greatly. Your students’ grades will likely improve – not to mention improved behavior in the classroom.

Fun Brain: www.funbrain.com
Fun Brain has many math and reading activities for young learners.

Brain Pop: www.brainpop.com
Contains a variety of animated topics

The Totally Free Children’s Learning Network: www.kidsknowit.com
Very interactive website

History: www.history.com
 Short videos on many historical topics

Kids.gov: www.kids.gov
Sites that link to government topics

Language Arts Topics: http://softschools.com/language_arts/
Lots of activities for ten to fifteen minutes

Science Mini Lessons: http://youth.net/cec/cecsci/sci-elem.html

Online Free Typing Lessons for QWERTY

In order to help remember to use these websites, it is very helpful to add them to lesson plans. Often it is easier to view a website first and then jot down the benchmark or competency that will be used that week or day. A useful hint is to keep a folder on the computer desktop with a list of websites and notations under them that show how they can be used. Elementary school teachers who still teach the “three Rs” will find it practical to have these sites at their fingertips to use as a quick learning center while working with small groups.

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