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New Teachers Online: How-To Articles: Implement Standards, Curriculum, and Assessment

Liberating the Imagination <== Standards <== Graphic Design Student Outline ==> Student Work (pdf file)

Graphic Design Student Outline
Instructor: Ms. Brohm

Course Description
It will emphasize the study of the computer as a graphic design tool. Students will focus on the use of Photoshop and other related software. Students will use Macintosh computers as well as flatbed scanners, digital cameras and color printers. Minimal to no previous computer experience is necessary to succeed in this class. Regular attendance, good behavior, the ability to concentrate, turning in assignments on time, and a sincere effort to understand will result in successful learning. Grades follow. Any student can earn an “A” grade in this class regardless of natural artistic talent if he/she will apply him/herself and take responsibility.

Goals, Objectives and Learning Outcomes


  • Students will learn the necessary skills to be a graphic designer.
  • Students will present ideas to the class.
  • Students will create an idea sketchbook
  • Students will create a portfolio of artwork relevant to the graphic design field.
  • Students will gain a greater understanding of how designs are created and be able to create them on their own.
  • Students will develop and improve their art skills while learning about how to apply art to everyday life.


  • Students will be taken step by step through the tools of Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign.
  • Students will receive feedback from their fellow students through class discussions and critiques.
  • Students will gain knowledge about the design industry.

Learning Outcomes

  • Students will learn about the variety of areas in the design industry.
  • Students will learn specific software applications.
  • Students will have a portfolio of artwork.
  • Students will learn how to give thorough, professional presentations of their artwork.

The Boys and Girls High School attendance policy will be followed. Class will start on time and students are expected to be ready to learn when the bell rings. Graphic design is an industry that revolves around deadlines. It is very important to me to instill personal responsibility regarding punctuality and deadlines. Be aware: I take attendance very seriously.

I don’t give grades...you earn them. Assignments are to be turned in on or before the end of the corresponding grading period. If all assignments are completed and follow the criteria, you will earn credit and pass the course. Grades are a result of attendance, participation, class work, homework, projects, and tests & quizzes. Participation points will be calculated on a bi-weekly basis.

Late Work Policy
Class projects may be turned in up until the corresponding grading period due date. It is highly recommended that students do not procrastinate because late work will NOT be accepted after the grading period ends. Homework is to be turned in by the given due dates and will not be accepted late. This policy is more than fair and everyone is given ample notification of due dates.

Good behavior, to me, means treating other people with respect, giving yourself and others the chance to learn, and giving me the chance to teach. Behavior that endangers students and/or equipment will not be tolerated. In addition, absolutely NO food or drink is to be brought into the classroom, period. Please be sure to turn your cell phone off and keep it inside your backpack during class.

Design Sketchbook
Please bring in a sketchbook of your choice. It must be no larger than an 11” x 14”.

Throughout the course you will be developing as a graphic designer. In order to see your progress and to be able to reflect on the design process you use, and to help you think about designs in general — you should be keeping a design sketchbook. In this sketchbook you should put every assignment you hand in. You should also put into this sketchbook any designs or design variations that you think are significant or spectacular (or spectacularly bad!). These sketchbooks are a chance for you to use your design and presentation skills. Be creative in how you construct your sketchbook. Make the sketchbook yours— give it your personality.

To start

  • Design a cover for your sketchbook.
  • Create a list of provisional design rules. These are rules you think should be followed to create a good design. As you go through the class add any new rules you come up with to the list.
  • Design a one-page abstract that provides information about your background in design and what you hope to accomplish in this course.

Continue to add everything you do to the sketchbook. This is an evolving design project that will continue through the end of the course. It will be turned in each week to track your progress.          


Introduction to Graphic Design

Intro to the class
Get to know you index cards / rules
Carpel tunnel/eye strain handouts
History of graphic design

Adobe Photoshop

Tools through photo manipulation of their own photo
Restore an old photo
Composite imaging  

Elements of Design

Line, shape, direction, size, texture, color, value

Principles of Design

Balance, gradation, repetition, contrast, harmony, dominance, unity


Type – text designs

Mock Business

Logo design, business cards, letterhead, envelopes, resume
Magazine layouts
Tee-shirt designs
Yearbook pages

Portfolio Review and Presentations

Liberating the Imagination <== Standards <== Graphic Design Student Outline ==> Student Work (pdf file)


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