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The Wonderful World of Arthur


Arthur’s Halloween

Grade Level:

First and Second Grade

Time Required:

30 minutes


The students will use a variety of media and technology resources for directed and independent learning activities.


Arthur and his friends go trick or treating. Arthur is very scared at first, but he learns to overcome his fears along the way. Only D.W. is brave enough to approach the "witch's" house, but then Arthur and D.W. learn that the "witch" is really just a misunderstood elderly lady with a messy house and yard.

Materials required:

A computer that has Internet capability, the book Arthur’s Halloween by Marc Brown, construction paper, crayons, pencils, markers, fluorescent paint and yarn


halloween     party     caring     sharing     house     yard


The activities below are in the teaching style of Bloom's Taxonomy. This was done to encourage the students to use higher level thinking skills.


Knowledge -.
The teacher will begin by reading the story Arthur’s Halloween by Marc Brown, aloud. As the story is being read, stop and ask the students questions or have them to predict what will happen next.

Comprehension -
Each student will write a one page report dealing with caring. Help them to scan their work and upload to HumanityQuest.Com .

Application - Have the students to create a "Caring Journal." In their journals they must keep a record of how they have helped been kind and helpful to someone during the week.

Analysis - The students will each make a timeline of the story events using the software Kidspiration.

Synthesis -
The students to make a haunted classroom. Have them work in small groups to create bats, witches and spiders. Allow the students to paint their crafts with fluorescent paint and hung them from the ceiling using different lengths of yarn. Invite other classes to visit your Haunted Classroom.

Technology Connection -
The students will explore and interact with the "Arthur" site (on PBS) and the CD ROM "Arthur’s Reading Race"


Invite a social worker to visit your class. Have them to speak about how their job entails caring and helping others.

Home Learning:

Have the students to complete a story map. This map should include: Who were the main characters?, Where did the story take place?, What is the problem?, How are the characters trying to solve it?, How is the problem finally solved?, What did the main characters find out about themselves?


Teachers make a simple comprehension test to use as an evaluation for the students.



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