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Feeling Bloated?: Tutorial

This sheet will help you use Excel to create any and all graphs associated with your Feeling Bloated? projects…IF you follow directions.  Follow the directions carefully and you will have some spectacular visual aids to insert with your project.


  1. Open Microsoft Excel.


  1. Go to File…Open…____________.


  1. This file should look just like your log sheet.  Enter the data just as it appears on your sheet.  Enter data only in the “How old”, “length,” width,” and “thickness” columns.


  1. Now scroll down to row 55.  You should find an exact replica of your data you just entered in columns C, D, E, and F.  You must go through and delete all blank rows.  To do this, right click on any cell in the row you wish to delete.  A short menu will pop up.  Choose delete.  Then a box will appear; choose to delete entire row.


  1. Highlight all your data (except the column titles) by clicking on cell C55, holding the left mouse button, and dragging the cursor to the lowest cell used in column F.  All cells that you just entered data into should now be highlighted.


  1. Now choose   Insert…Chart


  1. A box should pop up in the center of your screen.  Inside this box, on the left side, there should be a long list of types of graphs.  From this list, click once on “X-Y Scatter.”  Five boxes will appear on the right side of the box.  Choose the box in the middle row on the left by clicking on it once.  Then move your cursor to the bottom of the box and click next.


  1. Another box will appear.  At the top of this box will be written three words…Data Range   Series.  Click once on series.  The box should have a graph and several dialogue boxes at the bottom.  The bottom should look something like this…




X Values:



Y Values:





(a)              Highlight Series1 in the first box.  Name this series “Length” by typing length in the name blank. 

(b)             To the right of the “X-Values” blank there will be an icon…click on this icon.  The box will disappear.  Highlight all cells in column A that you have data (numbers) in.  Then press enter.  The box will reappear. 

(c)              Now click on the icon next to the “Y- values” blank.  Again the box will disappear.  Highlight all data in the “length” column. Press Enter.

(d)              Go to series 2 and repeat steps (a) – (c) by replacing “length” with “width”.  Complete the cycle one more time by repeating the steps again replacing “length” with thickness.


  1. Press Next.


  1. In the appropriate dialogue boxes, name you graph whatever you wish,  name your Y-axis “Measurements in mm” and name your x-axis “Age of my Fish” (or seahorse or shark or…).


  1. Press Next.


  1. A fourth and final box will appear and you will have a choice of placing your new graph in a new sheet or in sheet 1.  Make sure you select “As an object in Sheet 1.”


13.Press Finish and your graph will appear in your spreadsheet.


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