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Adaptor Grants Home:
Teachers Network: Adaptor Grants: Future City
Adapted By:
Delores Walker

This is Ms. Walker's fifth year as a teacher at P.S. 35. She has Master’s degrees in both Education and Teaching English as a Second Language. She enjoys using the computer to teach her students because it allows her to provide them with images/videos of things with the click of the mouse. For example, when Mrs. Coretta Scott King died, Ms. Walker was able to take her class to the funeral via the Internet. After watching the funeral, she and her students discussed each speaker’s comments. The students’ responses were profound.

P.S. 35
Bronx, NY


The topic of research was changed from Black History Month to Future City -the students had to create models of their Future City for a competition.

The students’ PowerPoint presentations had to include elements of their future city model.

The students performed dances to interpret their future city concept.

NOTE: Please be advised that the dance performances and the PowerPoint presentations were not requirements of the competition. These were additional lessons created to enhance learning and the incorporation of technology.

Instructional Objectives

For Essays:

1. Students had to describe their future city.
2. Students had to use the Internet to research topics.

For PowerPoint presentation:

3. Students learned how to transform their essays into a PowerPoint presentation.
4. Students learned how to use image search on the Internet. They had to search the Internet for images to represent elements in their Future City.
5. Students learned how to alter images to make them resemble things/concepts in their future city.

For Performance:

6. Students performed dances that conveyed the reason why their cities were created.
7. Students learned that artists sometimes use music to express their feelings about world events. One team used Edwin Starr’s song, “War,” to introduce the City of Liberty’s presentation.
8. The students worked together in cooperative settings to gather, share, and discuss information.

Technology Integration

Students used the Internet for research and to find images.

Students used Microsoft’s drawing function to alter images.

Students used Microsoft PowerPoint to create presentation.

Students used transparency grids (created on Microsoft Excel) for windows in their buildings Web sites used include: Naturalgas.org, www.epa.gov.


1. Students had to answer a series of reflective questions.

2. Group discussions were assessed to determine if students were applying the rules for accountable talk, which requires everyone to share. This was also used to determine if the students understood their tasks.

3. Students final projects were assessed to determine if their PowerPoint presentation reflected their essays and their modeled city. They were also assessed to identify any areas that needed further review.

Tips for Teachers

1. For younger students, the teacher could have students create a PowerPoint presentation on topics that are grade related. For example, a kindergarten class could create a PowerPoint presentation about the alphabets. Students could use Microsoft clip art to find an object/animal to represent each letter of the alphabet. Teacher could print and laminate the slides to use for the class’ alphabet.

2. For other early grades, teachers can have students show the different steps in “How To” projects. Students can use clip art or digital pictures to portray the steps.

3. Resources used include: “Benefits of LFG Energy,” U. S. Environmental Protection Agency. http://epa.gov/lmop/benefits.htm

“Fuel Cells for Power Generation,” U S Fuel Cell Council. http://usfcc.com/download_a_file/

“Storage of Natural Gas.” Natural Gas.org. http://naturalgas.org/naturalgas/storage.asp

“Types of Fuel Cells,” U. S. Department of Energy – Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy. http://eere.energy.gov/hydrogenand

Student Work Samples

Click on each thumbnail to see a full-screen version.


City of Liberty Essay
(pdf file)

(pdf file)




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