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Adaptor Grants Home:
Teachers Network: Adaptor Grants: The Water Cycle: A Repeating Pattern in Nature
Adapted By:
Jose Rosario

Mr. Rosario teaches both monolingual and bilingual classes. He loves to provide his students hands on experiences. These experiences help both bilingual students and monolingual students’ language development. They also help students develop critical thinking skills. My educational background includes a Bachelor's Degree in Education and a M.S in Bilingual Education.

P.S. 35
Bronx, NY


The original project was designed for 3rd-4th grade students. Therefore, I had to make modifications for this second grade bi-lingual class.

1. The students were introduced to content-related terms in their first language and their second language.

2. Students created the water cycle using arts and crafts materials instead of a PowerPoint presentation.

3. Students created a simple circuit computer to evaluate their performance.

Instructional Objectives

The students will have to describe how water and land interact with each other.

The students will have to describe how energy, in the form of light and heat, helps water transform from one stage to another.

The students will have to identify evidence of evaporation, condensation, and precipitation throughout our planet.

The students will learn both English and Spanish appropriate terms to enrich their vocabulary.

Technology Integration

Students created simple-circuit computers. These web sites were visited to find ideas about science projects:



Digital photos were taken.


1. Students had to use the appropriate vocabulary to describe the water cycle.

2. Students had to explain the role of water in the development of the landforms and the bodies of water.

3. Students created simple computers to evaluate their performance. They had to match their content related vocabulary to its meaning/description. The simple computers were also used to transfer their knowledge in their first language to their second language.

Tips for Teachers

Take a holistic approach. Guide students to understand that some phenomena are not isolated and that they help form part of the whole. Expose them to as many activities as possible, always stressing their interconnections. Providing second language learners visual aids is important for their second language development.

Student Work Samples

Click on each thumbnail to see a full-screen version.



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