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Press Release: Teachers Network Offers Largest Online Education Resource for Teachers
Teachers Network Offers Largest Online Education Resource for Teachers
Non-profit Education Organization Offers Online Network of Technology-Based Lesson Plans -- By Teachers, For Teachers

New York, September 8, 2005 – As thousands of teachers start the school year by preparing new lesson plans, Teachers Network, a nonprofit education organization, has launched an expanded online TeachNet series, making it the largest online free education portal. Teachers from around the world can share more than 600 web-based curriculum units at no cost, complete with step-by-step instructions, multiple lessons plans, examples of student work, and contact information for educators.

“Whenever you get teachers together, inevitably they begin discussing what does and does not work in the classroom, particularly when it comes to technology. TeachNet formalizes this idea-exchange and allows teachers to interact and share best practices,” said Ellen Dempsey, CEO and President of Teachers Network and former public school teacher. “Preparing students to succeed in today’s digital world requires more than furnishing classrooms with new computers and internet access. Teachers need the skills and support to integrate media into classroom learning – and what better way to do this than by implementing what other teachers have already deemed successful.”

New and experienced teachers are constantly looking for resources to draw upon in the classroom to help design lesson plans and curriculum units. New teachers in particular often find themselves without guidance or teaching tools when they first begin teaching, and TeachNet allows them to access an easy-to-use database and draw from a resource created by teachers, for teachers.

By logging on to Teachers Network’s award-winning site, www.teachersnetwork.org/TeachNet, teachers can browse for lesson plan ideas and technology-enhanced curriculum units in 12 subject areas and all grade levels. Each of these innovative units has been developed, taught and designed by veteran teachers and meet the Department of Education’s rigorous curriculum standards. There are even sections on “getting your room ready,” “getting yourself ready,” and “the first few days.”

TeachNet is created and supported by Teachers Network, so educators can take advantage of the training and mentoring resources at no cost. TeachNet is one of the many free or low-cost initiatives Teachers Network undertakes to support educators. The overall purpose of the TeachNet initiative is to improve student achievement by helping K-12 teachers incorporate web-based lessons into daily instructional practice.

About Teachers Network
Teachers Network is a non-profit organization—by teachers, for teachers—with a 25-year track record of success, dedicated to improving student learning in public schools nationally and internationally. Teachers Network is unique in its focus on professional development as the key to improving student achievement. Using the power of an award-winning web site, videos, and print resources, Teachers Network leverages the creativity and expertise of a national and international community of outstanding educators. Through its leadership, Teachers Network empowers teachers to transform public schools into creative learning communities. For more information about Teachers Network, go to http://teachersnetwork.org.


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