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Teachers Network Leadership Institute:
Fair Share for Our Schools: A Multidisciplinary Curriculum: The Story of the CFE campaign Through Timelines
View the Short Video: Campaign for Fiscal Equality: Students Speak Out

Lesson Materials (word document)


  • Poster paper
  • Ruler or meter stick
  • Assignment Sheet
  • Pencil, markers

Lesson Length

One class period

NYS Math Standards

7.A.7 Draw the graphic representation of a pattern from an equation or from a table of data
7.R.2 Explain, describe, and defend mathematical ideas using representations
7.R.3 Recognize, compare, and use an array of representational forms
7.R.4 Explain how different representations express the same relationship
7.CN.4 Model situations mathematically, using representations conclusions and formulate new situations

Instructions for students

Using the critical incidents listed on the next page, create a timeline that represents the if “story" of the CFE campaign. First sort the events in order from least to most recent. Then think about a scale to use on a timeline so that:

  • The events are spaced out according the length of time between them
  • You can fit the entire timeline on one piece of poster paper
  • The timeline would tell the story of the CFE campaign to someone who did not know much about it

Then, with your group, talk about and then write about the questions attached. Be prepared to talk about your ideas with the entire class.


Some students may want to cut out the events as strips and physically re order them in chronological order. Other students will want to use the event strips and tape them directly onto a timeline, instead of summarizing the events by hand.


Subject Areas:

Grade Levels:  6-8

About the teacher:

Kara Imm is a native of Minneapolis, MN where she attended Minneapolis Public schools and earned an International Baccalaureate Diploma. She studied American Studies at Stanford University in Palo Alto, CA and worked for several years with Partners in School Innovation (a San Francisco Bay Area non-profit and AmeriCorps program committed to school reform in low-income communities).

She relocated to New York to study at Bank Street College, earning a Masters Degree in Education, with a focus on Early Adolescence. After serving as a middle school teacher and Math Teacher Leader in District 2 for several years, Kara was awarded a Fulbright Teaching Award, a fully paid travel and study grant offered each year to a select group of American educators. In October 2003 while in Tokyo and Nago, Okinawa, she deepened her knowledge of, and interest in, Japanese Lesson Study as a vehicle for transforming teaching practice.

Kara serves as an adjunct Professor at Pace University, where she teaches graduate courses to NYC Teaching Fellows. Kara also teaches math workshops to K-12 educators around the city, through her work and affiliation with the Math in the City project at City College.



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