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Teachers Network Leadership Institute: Delaware


The Teachers Network Leadership Institute Delaware was started in 2004 to help bridge the
gap between policy and practice by empowering teachers, through action research, with the
tools they need to address education issues in their schools, districts, and state.

Over the course of the school year, TNLI fellows meet with policy makers from around the
state to discuss current education policy issues, and then work collaboratively to investigate
those issues and conduct research that will inform those discussions.

In this third year of the program, we will be refining our focus to address a specific state
policy issue, and Fellows will be working in teams to identify appropriate questions, develop
research tools, collect and analyze data, and finally make policy recommendations based on
that research.

TNLI Delaware is one of twelve national affiliates. Over the school year, fellows will have
the opportunity to meet and work with teachers from around the country that are concerned
about similar issues and working in their states to find solutions.

We will be recruiting 15 teachers to join TNLI this fall. Interested teachers will fill out the
attached application and return it to the Rodel Foundation by October 16th. Group
Interviews will be conducted shortly thereafter, and the first TNLI meeting will be The
weekend of October 28th and 29th.


Teachers selected to become Fellows in the Teachers Network Leadership Institute
Delaware will:

  • commit to the program for two years

  • increase their knowledge of major challenges facing the teaching profession through
    readings and discussions with leading policy experts

  • participate in monthly Saturday meetings in Delaware from September through June

  • improve their leadership skills

  • be recognized by the public and media

  • represent teachers nationwide as spokespersons for policy issues

  • participate in conducting TNLI Action Research and use it to influence policy

  • become members of a national online community

  • be awarded a $1,000 stipend per year

In addition, fellows will have the opportunity to attend the TNLI national meeting that will
be held this fall in Wilmington, Delaware which will include over 60 teachers from around
the country.

Here is what some teachers have to say about participating in TNLI:

I have met many interesting colleagues…from many places across the US. It is always interesting to find that no matter where you are located we all deal with similar issues and can therefore help each other grow and learn.

…the fact that we have discussed what needs to be done, what could be done, and what some of the barriers are to making changes is a start…it is nice to have a place to speak about our thoughts, dreams, and hopes for the future.

I feel that the wealth of knowledge that I have been exposed to becomes personal and very much opens doors to new perspectives and tasks.

It allows me to truly grow as a professional in many ways, not just in my classroom.

I leave the meetings feeling rejuvenated and motivated.

I have been able to share strategies with other teachers and take many of their ideas and incorporate them into my personal educational strategies and instruction.

Prior to TNLI, I was not able to explain why we need to do things differently, just what we needed to do.

My action research project has been a powerful opportunity for me to learn something that will impact my teaching and my involvement with schools forever.

For More Information:
If you have any questions or would like additional information, please call The Rodel
Foundation of Delaware at (302) 571-1536 or e-mail Michael Rasmussen at:
mrasmussen@rodelfoundationde.org or visit www.teachersnetwork.org/TNLI. For an
online application, click here (pdf file).

The Rodel Foundation of Delaware
The mission of the Rodel Foundation is to assist Delawareans in achieving one of the finest
public education systems in the nation by 2012. For more information, please visit our
website at www.rodelfoundationde.org.


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