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Lesson Plans Created by TeachNet Adaptor Grants
It’s About Time
Name: Thelma Atayde
School: P. S. 35
Address: 261 East 163rd St
City: Bronx, NY, 10451
Original Project: It’s About Time
Author: Merion Peluso
URL: http://teachersnetwork.org/teachnet-lab/ps101/mrspeluso/Time/timeintro.htm

How did you modify this unit for use in your own classroom?: Merion Peluso had created the unit for grade levels 2-5. Therefore, I had to modify it for my kindergarten class. Modifications for my kindergarten class: 1) Teacher provided students the vocabulary. 2) Microsoft Publisher’s calendar wizard was used instead of “Time & Date.com”. 3) Students had to compare their birth year calendar to the current year. They had to create a calendar for their birth date. 4) For additional practice “Trudy’s Time & Place” was used instead of “Stop the Clock”. Both activities require students to match analogue clocks to digital clocks. However, Trudy’s Time & Place” is more appropriate for kindergarteners because students can take their time to find the answers. You have to match the clocks within 45 seconds on “Stop the Clock”.

List your primary instructional objectives for your students.

  Students will learn how to read a calendar.
  Students will compare their “birth year” calendar to the current year calendar.
  Students will be able to read the times “o’clock” and “half past” on an analogue clock.
  Students will create analogue clocks

What role did technology play in this curriculum unit?: - students used Microsoft Publisher’s calendar function to create their birth month calendar. - students used Trudy’s Time & Place to practice telling time. - students watched Math Monsters video titled “Time”. You may access this video through PowerMediaPlus.com if you are a member. - students learned how to add clip art to a document.

How did you assess and evaluate student performance?: Students had to demonstrate on the manipulative clock the time asked by the teacher. Student had to be able to say the days of the week in sequential order. Students were assessed during daily calendar math sessions. In addition, assessment was conducted through observation and verbal contributions

Please tell us briefly about your background & teaching experience: Thelma U. Atayde is a teacher at the P.S. 35. It is located in Bronx, New York. She began her teaching career in Manila, Philippines. She has a Master of Arts in Teaching and Master of Science in Education. This is her first time adapting a Teachers Network unit. It is also the first year she has taught at the kindergarten level. Watching her students make progress is a joy for Mrs. Atayde.

What are your recommendations for other teachers interested in adapting this unit?: 1) If you are going to adapt this unit for kindergarteners, you may want to use software similar to Trudy’s Time & Place. 2) For older students, you may have them create a class calendar that lists the class events. This can be done my using Microsoft Publisher ‘s calendar wizard.

Samples of Student Projects

  Teaching students how to use Trudy’s Time & Place
  Students’ analogue clocks
  Students’ calendars


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