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Lesson Plans Created by TeachNet Adaptor Grants

Seeds of Learning

Name: Kelly Deirdre
School: PS 124 Yung Wing School
Address: 40 Division St.
City: New York, NY, 10002
Original Project: Seeds of Learning
Author: Karen Olszewski
URL: http://teachersnetwork.org/impactii/profiles02_03/seeds.htm

How did you modify this unit for use in your own classroom?: In this modification, students used Math and Science skills to set up an experiment using five different bean seeds, observing and recording growth over a specific time period. Students then discussed a variety of graphs to choose from and determined which was appropriate for their data. Students graphed the results indicating how many seeds sprouted and how many did not sprout. Students reasoned why beans germinated and why they did not, referring to the different growing conditions under which the seeds were placed, during the germination period.

List your primary instructional objectives for your students.

  Instructional objectives for my students are: Collaborate with peers to set up methods for recording and collecting scientific data
  Categorizing data; graphing data using appropriate increments
  Accurate math calculating using addition, multiplication, subtraction and division
  Proper use of hand held magnifiers, rulers, measuring tapes, and calculators

What role did technology play in this curriculum unit?: Technology played a role in this modification in the following ways: students used calculators to verify their math results; Internet was used to research specific seed ( as an extension for those who completed work ahead of schedule). Web sites used included: www.enchantedlearning.com and www.askjeeves.com

How did you assess and evaluate student performance?: Student performance was evaluated with completion of worksheets, notebook records of data, group discussions and completion of bar graph.

Please tell us briefly about your background & teaching experience: Ms. Deirdre Kelly who has been teaching for 13 years, the last six at PS 124, holds a M.S. in Elem. Ed. and is also Orton-Gillingham trained at Teachers College, Columbia University. The goals for my students are to become independent learners, who are motivated to question, work in groups or independently, and reach out to others sharing knowledge and experience. Ms. Kelly enjoys the very active, hand-on learning environment that science and math offer.

What are your recommendations for other teachers interested in adapting this unit?: This unit is an excellent opportunity to learn graphing skills; collect data; observe measurable growth and think about how the results of the data can be interpreted. This adaptation can be valuable for grades 3 thru 5, as well as for ESL students.

Samples of Student Projects

  Completion of worksheet
  Completion of bar graph
  Possible reasons/interpretation of data in written paragraph form


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