Tetrahedron: (Fire)
1. Cut 4 triangular pieces of the same size.
2. Join 3 cut triangular pieces at each corner.
3. Tape or glue the pieces together.

Hexahedron: (Earth)
1. Cut 6 square pieces of the same size.
2. Join 3 cut square pieces together.
3. Tape or glue the pieces together.

Octahedron: (Air)
1. Cut 8 triangular pieces at each corner.
2. Join 4 cut triangular pieces at each corner.
3. Tape or glue the pieces together.

Dodecahedron: (Combination of everything - the Universe)
1. Cut 12 pentagonal pieces of the same size.
2. Join 3 cut pentagonal pieces at each corner.
3. Tape or glue the pieces together.

Icosahedron: (Water)
1. Cut 20 triangular pieces of the same size.
2. Join 5 cut triangular pieces at each corner.
3. Tape or glue the pieces together.
Platonic Solids (five regular polyhedra)

(basic instructions for creating them)