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Positive Perspectives Posters

Section: ___________________________

Name: ____________________________

Work Habits (Thoroughness)
Work Habits (Effort)
Creativity and Problem Solving
Skill Development
Achieved Honors

Care was taken with work and supplies.
Work was neat and purposeful.
All steps/ requirements were completed.
Participated fully in critique.

Worked entire period.
Completed project on time.
Worked after school when needed.
Helped others.
Work was unique, creative and original.
Creative solutions were found and implemented for any problems that come up during project work.
Demonstrated marked progress in at least two skill areas (i.e., attention to detail, balanced composition, use of color, manipulation of materials, etc.).
Exceeded Standards Care was taken with work and supplies. Work is neat and purposeful.
All steps/requirements were completed. Participated fully in critique.
Worked entire period.
Completed project on time.
Worked after school when needed.
Work was unique, creative and original
Creative solutions were found or built upon teacher/peer suggestions and implemented for any problems that came up during project work.
Demonstrated marked progress in one skill area (i.e., attention to detail, balanced composition, use of color, manipulation of materials, etc.), or some progress in two.
Met Standards Care was taken with work and supplies.
Work was neat and purposeful.
Most steps/
requirements were completed.
Participated in critique.
Worked majority of period.
Completed project on time.
Sometimes worked after school when needed.
Work was unique, creative and original.
Asked teacher or peers for help and then implemented the solutions for problems that came up during project work
Demonstrated progress in at least one skill area (i.e., attention to detail, balanced composition, use of color, manipulation of materials, etc.).
Needs More Work to Meet Standards Careless with work and supplies.
Work was sloppy/dirty/
Many steps/
requirements were incomplete.
Didi not participate in critique/was inappropriate in participation.
Worked for only part of each period/only some periods.
Project late.
Didi not work after school when needed.
Work was not unique and creative.
Poorly implemented or did not come up with solutions for problems that came up during project work.
Did not demonstrate progress in at least one skill area (i.e., attention to detail, balanced composition, use of color, manipulation of materials, etc.).
Incomplete Very little/no work attempted.
Did not participate in critique/was inappropriate in participation.
Did not work during class/worked for only a few minutes on project.
Did not come after school.
Copied/had someone else to copy work. Did not attempt project. No progress demonstrated in any skill areas.
Skills demonstrated not age appropriate.

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