Prepared by Julie Vitulano

 Topic:  “Uncle Vanya” by Anton Chekhov

 Grade:  9 – English

 Aim:  How can we prepare to attend a performance of “Uncle Vanya”?

 Instructional Objectives:  Students will be able to use the Internet to get background information on Anton Chekhov and a summary of the play;  they will be able to use the dictionary and encyclopedia on their Internet provider service;  they will be able to write their findings into a report and e-mail it to their teacher.

Technology Standards

  1. Students use telecommunications to collaborate, publish, and interact with peers, experts, and  other audiences.
  2. Students use technology tools to process data and report results.

 Materials:  Computer with Internet access, word processing program, notebook, pen, marker board.

 Do Now:  Find the dictionary and encyclopedia on your Internet provider.

 Motivation:  Which of the following websites will give us a summary of the plot of “Uncle Vanya”?



  1. The students will quickly see that the third website has a summary of the play.  They are directed to write down any words they do not understand.  These are to be defined on the Internet provider’s dictionary (AOL, for example). 
  1. After they review the vocabulary, they go back to the website.  Then they shorten and paraphrase the summary for their report.
  1. The second part of the research report is to describe Chekhov’s life and work.  The students may go to their Internet provider’s encyclopedia.  AOL has several.

Note:  The Compton’s has an appropriate biography for high school level.  Since there is also a picture of him, the students may also describe his physical appearance.


      4.   Finally, they type their report on the word processor that will
     be sent via e-mail to their teacher.


Homework:  Based on the summary write a dialogue between Uncle Vanya and Yelena.

Extension:  Chose a quote from the second website on Chekhov and write about what kind of man he probably was based on the quotation.