Orchid Notes

Student 1



     ·       The orchid family is a group of flowers, which includes over 200 species! 

     ·       Orchids can live a very long time, up to 20 years

     ·       There are some types of orchids that are still expensive

     ·       There are many beautiful varieties that are reasonably priced.    Amitostgmas are one of the orchids

         that come from Japan.

     ·       Adas come from Costa Rica, Panama, Venezuela and Peru.

     ·       Ascocentrum are small-growing plants that have a large spur which hangs down from the lip.

     ·       Arundina are found in China, Sri Lanka, India, S.E. Asia, Malaysia and Tahiti.


Fancy Flowers


·       Orchids used to cost thousands of dollars because they had to be collected in the wild.

·       scientist spent many years learning how to grow them in greenhouses

·       now their price is as low as $5.00 for a seedling

·       you can find mature orchid plants for $50.00 each

·       in some other places mature plants are only $10.00

·       Buying an orchid can be a very good gift for any family member, friend or occasion.