You have five free-standing greenhouses to maintain.  A free-standing greenhouse offers maximum light and the best control.  Each four-sided house has a small work bench and storage area.  Your greenhouses are fourteen feet by twenty feet enabling a center bench and two side benches.  Light, heating, cooling and ventilation must be considered in your greenhouses.  You should know when and how to repot your orchids.  Also, be sure that you know the growing requirements (temperature, humidity, light, watering, fertilizing and potting) for each orchid type.  Your houses contain the following orchid species:  Cattleya, Cymbidium, Paphiopedilum and Phaleaenopsis.  Be sure to include a map of your houses with your information.





            You have a complete laboratory and two seedling greenhouses.  You must give a general procedure for the propagation (growing) of orchids from seeds (flasking).  You should also note any special needs of specific orchid species (specific media? temperature range?).  The orchid species that you will be propagating are Cattleya, Cymbidium, Paphiopedilum and Phaleaenopsis.  You should create a map for each seedling house giving the growing requirements (temperature, humidity, light, watering, fertilizing and potting) for the orchid types found in each house.  You will have seedlings in pots and in flasks.





            You have an office and showroom.  Create an eye-appealing display with which to lure your visitors into the world of orchids.  You also carry orchid products such as bark, fertilizer containers, etc.  You must create a price list for your orchid species and an international retail marketing scheme.  The orchid species found in your showroom requires some paperwork to be imported and exported out of the United States and California.