4. The continent was explored with an airplane supplied by the United States. After overlooking the land formations they decided to go over parts of the land, on foot, so they could get a closer view of lakes, mountains, and other formations.
They chose three places to bulid cities at. These places were chose because they all had water routes/supplies close by.
5. Today, my continent would be like a great big Hollywood. Many movie stars, athletes, and a lot of people from different countries would live there. People would speak their own language and would teach each other different ones. People would follow their own religion and beliefs. A lot of residents would learn different religions. This land is only 1 country. Many people are famous; others come from a numerous amount of countries all over the world. So they’re aren’t any people who live on this continent, that we have never heard of before. Their lifestyle is complex because they are barely getting used to living with people of different nationalities, customs, languages, and beliefs. It is simpler because less economic problems, less violence, and more peace. They have avoided making mistakes such as having deaths, fights, and pollution. They have made mistakes such as being jealous of movie stars, not having a system like the constitution, and not having a president. The best thing about my continent is that there is little or no violence at all, and it’s peaceful. I would like living there because I would love to live in a peaceful place full of famous people.