Michael Jordan decided to land wehre he landed because there was a lake close by and an ocean surrounding it.
The owner of Sanrio chose a good spot because he/she loved living in an opened area by the ocean.
Gianni Versacci settled on one of the small islands close by because he likes working on new fashion designs/statements peacefully.

Since people there were so rich they built shelter by receiving plaster, bricks, lumber, concrete, dry wall, and carpet from the United States. They arranged to have the supplies sent from ship and plane.

In the first few weeks of their new lifestyles, they ate seafood. They unanimously agreed that a group of people would go to South America to try their food. After realizing that South America’s food is just what they needed, they boxed food and drinks to take to their continent.

They got their water from Rolling River and LaLa Lake which led into Wet Waterfall.