Lesson Four:

Writing the Book

 Instructional Objectives

Time Required

Advance Preparation






Homework and Extensions

Student Samples

Instructional Objectives: Students will design a book based on their research on the selected cultural group to be read to their kindergarten little buddies and donated to the class for future use. They will use Microsoft Word to create the text and illustrate the pages with original art. The book will include a bibliography which they will create online.
Language Arts: Writing:
Organization and Focus
1.2 Create multiple-paragraph expository compositions:
a. Establish a topic, important ideas, or events in sequence or chronological order.
Research and Technology
1.3 Use organizational features of printed text (e.g., citations, end notes, bibliographic references) to locate relevant information.
1.4 Create simple documents by using electronic media and employing organizational features (e.g., passwords, entry and pull-down menus, word searches, the thesaurus, spell checks).

Time Required: Approximately four one hour periods.

Advance preparation and prerequisite knowledge and skills: The students and teacher should be familiar with word processing on the computer: how to format text, use spell check, save, edit, and print documents. (See handout for basic Microsoft Word worksheet used in lesson two). A computer with Internet access and a word processing program for every student or access to a computer on a rotating basis is needed.

Materials and resources required: The students need to have their organizational chart from lesson one, the list of Internet sources, and the interview document.

Vocabulary: None

Procedures: Discuss with the class the need to summarize their research into text that will be understood by their kindergarten audience and the use of vocabulary that is appropriate for the younger students. Give directions and requirements for the completion of the book (at least ten pages with a title page, bibliography, author's pages and ten to fifteen facts about their cultural group, illustrations on each page, and front cover with petroglyph).

Students will:
· Plan their book by first listing ten to fifteen facts about their cultural group from the organizational chart.
· Simplify the text using vocabulary appropriate to the grade level of their audience.
· Create the bibliography by going online to http://easybib.com
· Incorporate two or three facts on each page and decide on an illustration for the page.
· Type, edit, and print the pages using Microsoft Word.
· Illustrate each page.
· Make a front and back cover for the book by creating a petroglyph (see lesson three).
· Add an author's page at the end of the book (see lesson two).
· Read their books to their little buddies in the kindergarten class.

Evaluation: Use this rubric developed with Rubistar (http://rubistar.4teachers.org/).

Homework: Read the finished book to a younger sibling, parent or friend. Practice fluency and appropriate expression.

Extension: Rewrite the book by taking on a Native American identity and using the first person point of view.

Student Work Samples:Click here for pages from a student's book


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