Lesson Two:

The Interview

 Instructional Objectives

Time Required

Advance Preparation

 Materials and Resources





Homework and Extensions

Student Samples

Instructional Objectives: Pairs of students will interview each other. They will then use Microsoft Word or another word processing program to write the interview. They will take a digital picture of each other to be included in the document. This will eventually be the author's page in their Kindergarten book.

Language Arts: Writing:
1.4 Create simple documents by using electronic media and employing organizational features (e.g., passwords, entry and pull-down menus, word searches, the thesaurus, spell checks).

Time required: Approximately three one hour periods

Advance preparation and prerequisite knowledge and skills: The students and teacher should be familiar with word processing on the computer: how to format text, use spell check, save, edit, and print documents, insert pictures and WordArt. The following online tutorials can be used by the instructor or students to become familiar with Microsoft Word:

http://bcschools.net/staff/WordHelp.htm Very simple lessons for all the Office 2000 applications (Word, Power Point, Excel, Access, and Publisher)
http://fgcu.edu/support/office2000/word/ A site sponsored by Florida Gulf Coast University with lessons for all the Office 2000 applications. Very comprehensive
http://baycongroup.com/wlesson0.htm Everything to get you started on Microsoft Word. http://isds.bus.lsu.edu/cvoc/learn/introit/word/ Tutorials for Microsoft Word 97.
http://learnthat.com/courses/computer/word/ Made specifically for the 97 version but applicable to later versions.

Print out the handout for basic Microsoft Word directions for this activity. Click here for handout page one. Click here for handout page two.

Materials and resources required: A computer with a word processing program for every student or access to a computer on a rotating basis is needed. Copy the Microsoft Word handout if necessary. Digital camera for taking pictures or photographs can be scanned, and then inserted.

Interview: To ask questions

Procedures: Discuss with the class the interview process. Together, come up with at least ten questions to be used that might interest a younger child (age, favorite subjects in school, chores at home, siblings, pets, etc.) Write questions on the board so that the students can refer to them while interviewing each other.

Pairs of students will:

Evaluation: Review the completed interview documents for correct spelling, punctuation, and grammar.

Homework: Look for an interview in a newspaper or magazine and bring it to class to share. Discuss how the interviews compare to the ones done in class.

Extension: Interview staff members at the school and compile the written interviews and digital photos into a book for the library.

Student Work Samples: Click here for Interviews

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