Instructional Objectives
Time Required
Advance Preparation
Evaluation, Homework and Extensions
Student Samples

Overview: In this lesson the students will work in small groups to make a poster about an explorer. They will download graphics from the Internet to add to their posters. These posters will be displayed on a classroom timeline.

Instructional Objectives:

  1. Students will work in small groups to make a poster about their explorer
  2. Students will download, save and print graphics (portraits, maps, pictures) from the Internet to illustrate the poster

Time Required: Two or three 45-60 minute class periods

Advance Preparation and prerequisite knowledge/skills:

Students should be able to Search the Internet and save and print graphics from the Internet


  1. Each student should have the timeline they created and the list of web sites from their Internet research
  2. Computer with Internet access
  3. White 12 x 18 drawing or construction paper
  4. Black and white outline map or the world or North America
  5. Colored pencils, markers, water colors or tempera paints
  6. Glue
  7. 12 -16 feet of white bulletin board paper posted along one wall of the classroom

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Vocabulary: graphic elements, portrait


  1. Form groups of two or three students who researched the same explorer
  2. Discuss making a classroom timeline of all the explorers, what years will be covered, starting and ending dates, how much space will be necessary for each interval (year or decade) and put on white bulletin paper
  3. Discuss poster requirements


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  1. Students meet in groups to plan poster and divide labor
  2. Students go to the Internet to find a portrait of the explorer, map of routes, pictures of ships or other graphics
  3. Using pictures from the Internet, draw freehand the graphic elements required of the poster (or fast track: copy, print, cut out and glue onto poster depending on the time constraints)
  4. As a group the students decide on what important information should be included on the poster in bullet form
  5. Arrange posters in the proper order on the classroom timeline

Evaluation: Use the rubric to evaluate each poster. Click here for the rubric

Homework and Extensions:

  1. Homework: Students write three questions that other students should be able to answer about the explorer from looking at the poster
  2. Extension: Students make a Power Point slide with the graphics saved and information from the poster to be included in a class Power Point presentation

Student Samples: Click here for student sample


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