Kids As Collectors

(Informational Letter to Parents)

Dear Folks at Home,

We are starting a unit on collecting and collections.  This unit will provide several opportunities for your child to explore, describe, and exhibit a collection. 

This week your child will become a “treasure hunter.” Children will need a shoebox for gathering their new collection. 

·       Homework, decorate a shoebox

·       Bring decorated shoebox to school on _____________________________.

·       Look for interesting items either manmade or found in nature to put in your box. (i.e. shells, rocks. feathers, seeds, cones, coins, and thing-a-ma-jigs)

Later in this unit, students will be given the opportunity to share a collection from home they may have already started or created. 

The items for this collection will be gathered around the school, your home, or any time your child discovers objects in nature they find interesting or collectable. 

·       Students are to complete their Collectors Field Log for each collected item.

A sample of the field log is attached should your child start collecting tonight!


