Our Thoughts and Feelings About The Santa Maria Valley

Santa Maria is a beautiful place to live in. The mountain is colorful. Santa Maria is sunny. Santa Maria is a fun place to live in. Santa Maria never has tornadoes. And Santa Maria has my favorite food place it is the ice cream store. It is not kind of windy. It the best place to live in.   A. C.

Santa Maria is a beautiful place. And there is not much crime and
Robbers. I like Santa Maria because they have good things and good Restaurants And nice stores my favorite places Jack in the box and McDonald.                       A.C.Z.R.

I like it because everywhere we look it's so beautiful, and because we have very nice mountains around us. We are very lucky to have such a nice place, we have very nice houses, and we are close to wonderful mountains. I think that we are catching he most nicest view in our youngest lives. I love
SANTA MARIA.                  Am. C.

Santa Maria is a beautiful place to live in beautiful neighborhood. I love Santa Maria because they have good restaurant, good neighborhood. My favorite fast food place is McDonalds. Santa Maria is safe.             A.I

Santa Maria has mountain and has oceans. And the whether   is not to cold but it is still cold sometime. I like the schools and homes. The trees are
Big and green. The flowers are big to .There is a lot of good thing in Santa Maria Valley.
C. L.

Santa Maria is a good place to live in.  Because it has oceans and you can go to beaches you can even collect shells in the beach.  But what I don't like in the beach is when you go deep deep, deep in the water.  I even like the mountains in Santa Maria because the mountains look like they are purple.

I like Santa Maria, because the Weather is good. I like the parks. Restaurant is good too. I feel safe is Santa Maria valley, because there is no tornado's or on earthquake. Last but best Santa Maria valley is my favorite.      J.R.

I feel safe and sound. I love my home. Restaurant is Taco Bell. My favorite store is Costco. If you move over you will love it!     J. L

It has nice weather.  It has nice Blue Mountains.   It has a big blue ocean.    It has a nice sun.   It has no volcanoes.    It has no robbers.    It has no storms and thunder.     J. J.

We have better schools.
We have good teachers.
We have a lot of mountains.
We have good weather.
We have good parks.
We have green grass.
We have a lot of beaches.
We have a lot of trees.
We have a lot of land.
We have a lot of buildings.
We have cool theme parks.
We don't have crime.
We have a lot of friends.


I think Santa Maria is beautiful because it feels safe because there's no tornadoes. I think it's nice.     J. C.

I feel great living here.  The weather is great. I like the restaurants here their great. I like going to jack in the box.     L. C.

I feel happy because we don't have floods, or we don't have tornados. Santa Maria is a safe place because theirs no danger or crimes. And because we have Mountains all around us, and because we have a ocean only 10 min. away from us.     L. H

I like Santa Maria because it has McDonalds and Burger King and different places there is no tornadoes that wily I like Santa Maria

Santa Maria is a peaceful town and we hardly have crime. You can see the beautiful mountain ranges, with cows grazing. You can visit our beautiful beaches, with beautiful creeks, and green golf courses. The homes are beautiful. The air is a lot cleaner than other cities. There is a lot of cool stuff to see!  Bye!       R. N. M.

Santa Maria is a beautiful place to me. And is also wonderful for people to live here. And there's not much danger. And anytime and any were it will always be the best city in the world. So were ever we are Santa Maria will always be in our minds.  And I`ll always remember Santa Maria no matter what happens. It's the best place in the whole world. It's the best.
S. S.

I like the beach. It is nice to be there. I play in the water. It is fun.     A. A.

I have lived here for eight years. I like the weather. It is sunny. Santa Maria is a beautiful town. It has parks. Some parks have ponds, playgrounds, BBQ, soccer fields, basketball courts and tennis courts.  J. C.

Santa Maria
I like Santa Maria because the good food, the smell of the barbecues on the weekend, the nice people, the great weather. When it rains the hills are green. The rocket launches from Vandenberg are cool. There are good houses. The nearby schools are great. There's good cops that make me feel safe. I like hiking on the Santa Maria River Trail.    D. E.