The Rainbow Bridge

      Once in the Native American times lived the Chumash and they used to believe the legend of The Rainbow Bridge.

      There was Godess of the earth. Her name was Hutash. She was married to sky snake. She lived on the island of Limuw. One day she went to pick seeds from the magic plant and planted them on the island. Instead of flowers people came out. The people made a village. In the village babies were born. There was too much noise so, so Hutash built a rainbow bridge for some of the Chumash to go to the mainland, and some to stay on the Channel Islands. Some people got dizzy when they were walking over the rainbow bridge and they fell. Hutash was surprised so she turned them into dolphins on their way down. Hutash disn't want the people to die. That is why yhe dolphins are brothers and sisters to the Chumash, and that is how the Chumash got to the mainland.

Retold by Mrs. Rivera's Third Grade Class





