Taylor Garden News

Rivera Class Press June 2001

Growing Vegetables

You can grow a carrot by putting water in a cup first. Then you put the cut carrot in the cup. The carrot will start growing and growing.

You can grow an onion too. You put water in the, then you put the onion in. The onion will grow roots of the onion, and your onion will grow too.

You can grow an avocado. First you get a cup, then you put in some water, and then you

put the avocado pit in the cup. The avocado will start to grow and grow too fast.

You can grow also a potato too. First you get a cup and then you get the potato, then you put the potato in the cup. You put the water in the cup and that is all. The potato will start growing and growing. The potato will have like little flowers and I am not sure about that.

By Mayra G.



My class built an arbor and then we got to take it were we were going to put it.

There are two of them. The color is green.

We have some tires that we got too, and some soil. We put it in the tires, we are going to get the plants and plant them in the tires.

Some of the plants are Morning Glories, and some are gourds and radishes. You need to take more care of the radishes, gourds, and morning glories.

We have something were the arbor is. One of the gourds has a seed growing. It is very cool! Some of the plants are little and some are big, some are growing some are not.

We tied some string to it so it can grow cool. We are going to make a scarecrow.

It is going to be very cool and we are going to go in it when it grows. I can not wait until it grows.

I think our garden is going to surprise everyone in the school. Some of the radish in the bottom there are some of red and the gourds look like a pear. When we finish the garden it is going to be cool.
Almost all the kids helped a little, so it is everybody's garden. We have something, I think it is lemon, that she has there. It is a very, very pretty garden. The garden is very pretty and we have a garden in the front of the school too. Sunflowers and sweet peas are growing so tall that they are almost bigger than me. Some of the

Radishes are growing so fast and the Morning Glories they are growing very fast that it looks like you have magic.

Our garden is so little but we still like it a lot. The other teacher's are a little bigger but who cares. At least we have one, don't we? I just like my class's garden. I just wish I had a garden like this even if my garden is ugly. I am still going to like it. I think my class garden is the pretty. It is one of all the Taylor Bonita School.

By Gaby L. 6/5/01


Mrs.Rivera's class in Taylor School planted sunflowers out side of the school. They are so tall and a little fat. Some of them have a little round yellow ball. Some are still little. The leaves are bigger then my hand. Ladybugs some times come to the sunflowers to eat aphids.

When we see ladybugs we grab them and put them in the sunflowers, because they help the plants grow. When it doesn't rain we sometimes go water them, because they are dry.

We always write about the sunflowers, because every body likes the sunflowers in the whole school. Sometimes teachers go measure, but not with rulers, with kids. Sometimes with yard rulers. That is so weird, but some kids are very little, but some are big. The little kids are smaller than the plants. The big kids are a little bigger than the sunflowers. It is going to be are garden. It is going to be so cool when all of the sunflowers grow so pretty. You guys could come to see our garden. We also have a radishes, morning glories, and gourds garden on the back of the school. They are pretty like the other garden. They have little animals like flies, but not so much animals. It also have others kinds of animals. There is no problem if you guys come to see our garden. Other teachers have the other gardens. They are pretty too. But I think ours is prettier than the other ones. The teachers think that all of them are pretty, but they are pretty too. The sunflowers are growing too fast and some are growing slower than the others. It is growing too fast. It looks, when you see them, it is like you're doing magic. It is so pretty I wish it could be my garden. If you come you guys are going to say that you like it a lot, because it is so pretty. I wish it could grow a lot of flowers in the sunflowers. When the seeds grow I'm going to grab the seeds and eat them I'll bet you it is going to look very good like the sunflowers.


Gaby P. 6-5-01


1. You put water in six clear cups.

2. You put red food color in two.

3. You put blue food color in two

other cups.

4. You cut some celery and put it

in the cups. One in clear, one in

red and one in the blue.

5. Then you leave it for some

minutes and it could mix up

with the clear and with the food

color .

6.Then the food color would go

up the celery and the color of the

celery is going to change.

By Joshua H.


The tulips are from Holland. They are really pretty. When they barely grow they are like green they are all over the world. There is something really strange about the tulips when they are dead you could put them outside so they could dry, then all of the plant goes inside the bulb, then you plant it and for the next summer you will have a tulip back. The Tulip is pink and white.

Perla N.

Ponds Live

In are class we have ponds they are so neet, we like the ponds a lot we allways see them. We have fish in the ponds we have gold fish in the ponds we also have mosquito fish in the ponds we have three ponds we only have one gold fish and. Like for of the mosquito fish. When we made the ponds we were so excited about putting the fish in the ponds. Each boy and girl were in grubs of for we had to pick there names for the there ponds one is named Mr. Torres Lake and the other one is called Mrs. Rivera pond and the other one is called Fish pond, that is the last one of the ponds doesn't have fishes just plants it is pretty still some boys and girls come from other classes. Sometimes we clean the ponds so we cold see the fish better. We have too get the moss so the ponds could be clear. We have cattail in a pond in only one of the ponds on the other one there is Forget-me-nots and the other one has Lilly pads and other plants, and other flowers.

By Gladys M.


The Forget-me-nots are in our ponds. They are blue. Sometimes they look yellow. They need lots of water. They live in ponds.

They are pretty. They die then they grow again. At first I thought it wasn't going to grow. You have to water it every day.

They don't smell like nothing.

By Stephanie A.


Recipe; 4c. water

1 pepper

2 cloves gorlice staian

What it is for?

I t is for your garden. So it doss not have bbad bugs nd won't kill you garden.

What is the name for ?

The is the name for ?

The is for Inseciticide.

It is called like that becuse it is to kill all the pest in your garden.


1 Insecticide

2 it is to kill the incede

3 you poot 4 cupsw of water and you bleend it pepar,2 claves garlis.

4 4 cups of water 1peper 2claves gavlic

5 no

6 because chomicals is bad for us and for the animals.


to kill incects

4 cups of water

1 peper

2 cloves

mixed it

It doesent have demicals

It dosent bacause it is easter.