Chat Transcripts

4/9/03 AM  2 STUDENTS within class

Connected to TAPPED IN on Wed Apr  9 10:32:33 2003 PDT.

Carlos-rivera has connected.

Nikko-rivera says, "hey carlos"

Carlos-rivera says, "Hi nikko"

Carlos-rivera says, "Hi nikko"

Nikko-rivera says, "whats up"

Nikko-rivera says, "what is your favorite book"

Carlos-rivera asks, "What did you put for Frida ?"

Nikko-rivera says, "don't know"

Carlos-rivera says, "My favorit book is small shoulders"

Nikko-rivera says, "did you know that where going to a field trip"

Nikko-rivera says, "carlos type"

Carlos-rivera says, "I put she is a mexican"

Carlos-rivera says, "I put that she is married to Deago Rivera"

Nikko-rivera says, "I like the deer paiting"

Carlos-rivera says, "Where are we going for the field trip"

Nikko-rivera says, "its cool"

Nikko-rivera says, "museum"

Nikko-rivera says, "are you ready"

Carlos-rivera says, "I saw her in the commputer with monkeys by her

Nikko-rivera says, "me to"

Nikko-rivera says, "tie your shoes"

Carlos-rivera says, "GET on a diet you big man"

Nikko-rivera says, "done"

Carlos-rivera says, "I will take thatback"

Carlos-rivera says, "You are my best friend"

Nikko-rivera says, "you got mail"

Nikko-rivera says, "by"

Carlos-rivera says, "Good by"

Carlos-rivera says, "I'am going to resses"

Nikko-rivera says, "good day"

Carlos-rivera has disconnected.
Nikko-rivera has disconnected.

Disconnected from TAPPED IN on Wed Apr  9 10:55:48 2003 PDT.


4/9/03 PM 4 STUDENTS from same class, but in different classrooms

Connected to TAPPED IN on Wed Apr  9 11:29:44 2003 PDT.

Elizabeth-rivera says, "hi Abigail"

Abigail-rivera says, "hi elizabeth"

Elizabeth-rivera says, "how are you"

Abigail-rivera says, "do you like frida kalo as a mom"

Abigail-rivera says, "fine"

Elizabeth-rivera says, "what was your favrite Frida Kalho painting"

Anthony-rivera has connected.

Abigail-rivera exclaims, "hi anthony!"

Anthony-rivera says, "mario's computer cant find the website tell miss

Abigail-rivera exclaims, "ok i told her!"

Mario-rivera has connected.

Abigail-rivera exclaims, "hi mario!"

Abigail-rivera says, "hellooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

Anthony-rivera says, "I mario HI abigail Hi elizabeth"

Mario-rivera says, "hey avigal what is the class doing"

Abigail-rivera says, "elzabeth"

Abigail-rivera exclaims, "nothing mario!"

Elizabeth-rivera says, "abigail what is your favrite panting of Frida

Anthony-rivera says, "Mario what was Your first fact in your book about
                      Frida Kalho"

Abigail-rivera says, "my favorite is all of it"

Abigail-rivera says, "elizabeth"

Anthony-rivera says, "Abigail what was your first fact"

Abigail-rivera asks, "why?"

Mario-rivera says, "hey athony are you going to trade me some of your
                    cards Ill give you my lunch"

Anthony-rivera says, "OK"

Abigail-rivera asks, "did you say that mario?"

Mario-rivera says, "yes"

Elizabeth-rivera says, "you guys are not suppose to bring cards to

Abigail-rivera says, "ok"

Abigail-rivera says, "ay something you uys"

Anthony-rivera says, "HE comes to my house on Saturday and trades me"

Mario-rivera says, "abigal what is carlos doing"

Abigail-rivera says, "nothing"

Anthony-rivera says, "Elizabeth what is your favorite painting"

Abigail-rivera asks, "what? are you going  to ask me everything?"

Abigail-rivera says, "mario ////////////////"

Abigail-rivera asks, "?"

Elizabeth-rivera says, "mine is the Monkey and Parrot"

Mario-rivera says, "hey elizebeth athony is writing to you"

Anthony-rivera asks, "Abigail what do you mean by ////////////// and ?"

Beth [guest] has arrived.

Abigail-rivera exclaims, "shut your biggle  mouth!"

Anthony-rivera says, "Abigail what was your first fact"

Abigail-rivera asks, "why?"

Anthony-rivera says, "why should I"

Beth [guest] leaves for the pb.

Elizabeth-rivera says, "abigail what are your intersting facts about

Abigail-rivera says, "what is a pb"

Abigail-rivera says, "nothing"

Abigail-rivera says, "just boring"

Mario-rivera says, "Athony my favorite fact was that she was a good

Anthony-rivera says, "If you had to pick  three things that went in your
                      self portriat and 1 thing was fruit the other was
                      pet and the last thing"

Anthony-rivera says, "was jewelry"

Mario-rivera says, "hey elizebeth are you bored"

Abigail-rivera says, "where is  mario at anthony"

Elizabeth-rivera says, "no why"

Anthony-rivera says, "right here with me"

Abigail-rivera says, "oo"

Mario-rivera says, "cause it is boring over here"

Mario-rivera says, "there is nothig to do"

Abigail-rivera asks, "why dosent he talk?"

Elizabeth-rivera says, "why is it boring over there"

Anthony-rivera says, "Elizabeth what was your first fact"

Elizabeth-rivera says, "why"

Anthony-rivera says, "Because"

Mario-rivera says, "abigal who are talking to mario or athony"

Abigail-rivera asks, "mario are you there?"

Mario-rivera says, "yes"

Abigail-rivera says, "to you mario"

Elizabeth-rivera says, "ok it is she was born in1907"

Elizabeth-rivera says, "what is yours"

Anthony-rivera says, "mine is she was an artist"

Elizabeth-rivera says, "oh"

Elizabeth-rivera says, "what is yours mario"

Abigail-rivera asks, "why don t you tlk mario?"

Mario-rivera says, "she is a artist"

Elizabeth-rivera says, "you did the same thing as anthony"

Abigail-rivera says, "i ko"

Abigail-rivera says, "ok"

Elizabeth-rivera says, "its time for lunch"

Elizabeth-rivera says, "bye"

Elizabeth-rivera has disconnected.

Disconnected from TAPPED IN on Wed Apr  9 12:10:07 2003 PDT.

Elizabeth-rivera has disconnected.

Anthony-rivera says, "yum lunch"

Abigail-rivera says, "time for lunch mario"

Abigail-rivera says, "byyyyyy"

Anthony-rivera has disconnected.

Disconnected from TAPPED IN on Wed Apr  9 12:10:57 2003 PDT.

4/23/03 9:30AM Several students talking with a teacher from a school district in another county
(ClaraA is a teacher in Camarillo, JessicaRi is a teacher in Santa Maria)

Connected to TAPPED IN on Wed Apr 23 09:35:24 2003 PDT.

Audrianna-rivera arrives from nowhere.
Audri's Recorder follows Audrianna-rivera to here.
ClaraA arrives from nowhere.
Ximena follows ClaraA to here.
Sydney-rivera arrives from nowhere.
Syd's Recorder follows Sydney-rivera to here.

Sydney-rivera says, "hi"

JessicaRi says, "Hi Mrs. Alvear"

ClaraA says, "Hello everyone"

JessicaRi says, "I want to introduce you to two of my students"

JessicaRi says, "Audrianna is here ready to chat"

JessicaRi says, "and so is Sydney"

ClaraA asks, "Hello Audrianna how are you today?"

ClaraA asks, "Hello Sydney are you having a good day?"

JessicaRi says, "We had a bit of trouble in this room"

Sydney-rivera says, "do you know Frida Kahlo and yes im having a good

Audrianna-rivera says, "Hi Mrs.Alvear"

JessicaRi says, "we were on command and needed to switch to say...sorry"

ClaraA says, "Yes I know abouit Frida through his work and books. I wish
              I had known her personally, but I have enjoyed her

Audrianna-rivera asks, "I am fine. How about you?"

ClaraA asks, "What have you learned about her?"

Sydney-rivera says, "she had a axedeint"

Audrianna-rivera asks, "Alot. Were do you tech at?"

Sydney-rivera says, "and she married diego rivera 2 times"

ClaraA says, "I teach at University Preparation Shool in Camarillo.
              Talking about Frida, she had a horrible accident that
              really made her pain the way she did"

ClaraA says, "Yes, Diego Rivera was the love of her life. He was a great
              artist too"

ClaraA asks, "Have you guys painted anything that looks like one of
              Frida's paintings?"

Selina-rivera arrives from nowhere.
Selina's Recorder follows Selina-rivera to here.

ClaraA says, "Hi Selina"

Sydney-rivera says, "is it interasting to know a lot about  frida"

Audrianna-rivera asks, "Do you like Frida`s painting`s alot?"

Selina-rivera says, "yes"

ClaraA exclaims, "Your teacher Ms. Rivera introduced me to Frida many,
                  many years ago. She really likes her work and tanks to
                  her I love her work too!"

JessicaRi says, "Selina is joining us"

ClaraA says, "Yes I just say hi to Selina, ... nice name"

Audrianna-rivera asks, "What grade do you teach?"

Selina-rivera says, "hi"

ClaraA says, "4th and 5th"

Sydney-rivera says, "yes yev done alot of work like self poraits"

ClaraA asks, "Maybe we will have my students chat with you about Frida
              or any other topic in a few weeks. Would you like rhat?"

JessicaRi says, "Some boys might join in if they manage to join
                 JessicaRI. They might not be able to do it"

ClaraA says, "I'd love to see some of those self-portraits"

Audrianna-rivera asks, "Have you ever tried to draw Frida Kahlo?"

Sydney-rivera says, "can you tell us more facks about frida"

Selina-rivera says, "frida kalko was mairied to deigo rivera"

ClaraA says, "Ms. Rivera. we can schedule another meeting if you don't
              mind, I have an appoinment at 11 and I need to get ready"

Sydney-rivera says, "bi"

JessicaRi says, "That is fine. Maybe next week we can chat with some
                 students in your class"

ClaraA asks, "Selina and Sidney, do you think Diego and Frida were a
              nice looking couple?"

Sydney-rivera says, "yup"

ClaraA exclaims, "Excellent! I yhink so too!"

ClaraA says, "think"

ClaraA exclaims, "Well, thanks for your time you guys, it was great to
                  talk with students so dedicated and interested in the

Audrianna-rivera says, "It was nice meeting you Mrs.ClaraA. Bye."

ClaraA says, "Bye Kids and Bye Ms. Rivera"

JessicaRi says, "Thank you very much Ms. Alvear"

Selina-rivera says, "frida kalko started to paint when she was a little

JessicaRi says, "Say hi to Ximena for me"

JessicaRi says, "Tell her I love her"

ClaraA exclaims, "OK! OK!"

Sydney-rivera says, "bi"

JessicaRi says, "Selina, Ms. Alvear needs to leave now"

ClaraA has lost her link.

JessicaRi says, "Girls..."

JessicaRi says, "you can come back to class now"

Anthony-rivera arrives from nowhere.
Anthony's Recorder follows Anthony-rivera to here.

JessicaRi says, "next week we will talk with somew of her students"

JessicaRi says, "make sure you log off, ok"

Sydney-rivera says, "do we close"

JessicaRi asks, "Hi Anthony. What classroom are you in?"

JessicaRi says, "Syd, click on logout at the top"

Selina-rivera says, "she"s best nown for her self partches"

JessicaRi says, "Anthony, Ms. Alvear had to leave, but we will talk to
                 her again next week, and we will talk to some of her

(At this point the conversation changes topic. Ms. Alvear has left and other students sign in and are practicing skills)

Sydney-rivera has disconnected.
JessicaRi says, "I am glad that you figured out how to join us in my
                 virtual office Anthony"

Selina-rivera has disconnected.
Anthony-rivera says, "In Mrs lopezes said MArio"

Audrianna-rivera has disconnected.
JessicaRi asks, "The first grade teacher Mrs. Lopez?"

Anthony-rivera says, "no"

Anthony-rivera says, "Nathan put that"

JessicaRi says, "So you are in Mrs. Burke"

JessicaRi asks, "s class?"

Anthony-rivera says, "yes"

JessicaRi says, "ok"

JessicaRi asks, "Is mario still trying to get on?"

JessicaRi asks, "or is he not interested?"

Anthony-rivera says, "What class are you in"

JessicaRi exclaims, "I am in our class. The kids are loud

Anthony-rivera says, "I am glad we are not in there"

JessicaRi says, "Madison is going to sign on to chat"

JessicaRi exclaims, "funny!"

JessicaRi asks, "do you know what LOL means?"

Anthony-rivera says, "ya it means laugh out loud"

Madison-rivera arrives from nowhere.
Madi's Recorder follows Madison-rivera to here.

JessicaRi asks, "How did you know that?"

Madison-rivera says, "HI Anthony"

Anthony-rivera says, "I learned that from somewhere"

Anthony-rivera says, "Hi madison"

JessicaRi says, "Hi Madi...beautiful, intelligent girl"

Anthony-rivera asks, "What?"

Anthony-rivera says, "Hellow"

Madison-rivera says, "Hellow"

JessicaRi says, "I was checking some math"

Madison-rivera says, "Hi Mrs.Rivera"

JessicaRi says, "Hi again Madi"

JessicaRi asks, "What's up with Mario?"

JessicaRi asks, "Madi, is thid your first time in Tapped In?"

Anthony-rivera says, "Mrs RIvera did I get 100% on math"

JessicaRi says, "Oops! I meant "this""

JessicaRi asks, "Do you know the answer to that question Anthony?"

Anthony-rivera asks, "to what question?"

Anthony-rivera says, "mario left"

JessicaRi says, "the 100% in Math question"

Anthony-rivera says, "yes"

JessicaRi asks, "Where did Mario go?"

Anthony-rivera says, "I dont Know maby the bathroom"

JessicaRi says, "It is almost recess time. I need a break :)"

JessicaRi says, "You can log off now and come back to class"

Anthony-rivera says, "Mario just came back"

JessicaRi exclaims, "Get ready for RECESS!!!!  yEAH!!!!"

Anthony-rivera has disconnected.
Madison-rivera says, "Mrs.Rivera did I get a100/."

JessicaRi says, "mADI YOU ARE SO QUIET"

JessicaRi says, "Don't you know what to say"

Madison-rivera says, "@quit"

Madison-rivera has lost its link.
JessicaRi says, "Mrs. Rivera is disconnecting"

JessicaRi has disconnected.

Disconnected from TAPPED IN on Wed Apr 23 10:51:17 2003 PDT.
