Fourth Grade Standards Rubric


Student Name:                                                                Homeroom:


Standard 4th Grade


Meets Standard

Does not meet Standard


Language Arts Standards

2.4 Evaluate new information and hypotheses by testing them against known information

and ideas.







2.5 Compare and contrast information on the same topic after reading several passages or







2.7 Follow multiple-step instructions in a basic technical manual.  











1.1 Select a focus, an organizational structure, and a point of view based upon purpose,

audience, length, and format requirements.






1.5 Quote or paraphrase information sources, citing them appropriately.






1.6 Locate information in reference texts by using organizational features (e.g., prefaces,







1.7 Use various reference materials (e.g., dictionary, thesaurus, card catalog, encyclopedia,

online information) as an aid to writing.






2.3 Write information reports:

a. Frame a central question about an issue or situation





b. Include facts and details for focus.






c. Draw from more than one source of information (e.g., speakers, books, newspapers,

other media sources).





Oral Language Standards

1.5 Present effective introductions and conclusions that guide and inform the listener’s

understanding of important ideas and evidence.






1.6 Use traditional structures for conveying information (e.g., cause and effect, similarity and

difference, and posing and answering a question).






1.7 Emphasize points in ways that help the listener or viewer to follow important ideas and







1.8 Use details, examples, anecdotes, or experiences to explain or clarify information.














1.9 Use volume, pitch, phrasing, pace, modulation, and gestures appropriately to enhance







2.2 Make informational presentations:


a. Frame a key question.






b. Include facts and details that help listeners to focus.






c. Incorporate more than one source of information (e.g., speakers, books, newspapers,

television or radio reports).


















Science Standards


Student Name:                                                          Homeroom:




Meets Standards

Does not meet Standards


c. Formulate and justify predictions based on cause-and-effect relationships.






d. Conduct multiple trials to test a prediction and draw conclusions about the relationships between predictions and results.






f. Follow a set of written instructions for a scientific investigation.






a. Differentiate observation from inference (interpretation) and know scientists’

explanations come partly from what they observe and partly from how

they interpret their observations.






Grade Sheet Science Fair Project


Project title:



Name of Scientist:



Homeroom of Scientist:


Language Arts and Oral Presentation Grade:


Science Project Grade:


Overall Grade: