Technology Instructional Plan


Topic: Using a search engine                                                      Grade Level: can be adapted for any


Rationale: Students will use this skill for research on the Internet. Proper use of a search engines will allow students an infinite amount of information on any topic. Internet accessing will allow them exposure to global perspectives as well.


Content Objective: Students will be able to locate web sites using keywords and search engines.




1.     Vocabulary  sheets and computer rules

2.     Sleuth’s Worksheet

3.     Computer with internet access




Preparation: As a class, have students review the vocabulary of the Internet and World Wide Web as well as the rules for the computer lab. Make sure all students have their vocabulary sheets and computer lab rules available for reference. Select students to read aloud each definition and each rule. There should be one for everyone hopefully.


      Ask students what they know about scavenger hunts. List their knowledge on the board.


      Explain to students that they are going to go on a cyberspace scavenger hunt. Tell them however it is not a competition to see who finishes first but rather a competition to get accurate information. Go to the computer lab.


Presentation: Hand out the Sleuth’s worksheet.  Go over this with students by having one student read each Hint for finding things on the Web. Ask the class for explanation of the Hints and add and correct where needed.  


      In the computer lab, explain to students that this is the list of things to find on the Internet. When students find them they are to print out a page from that sight or write down the URL on the Sleuth’s worksheet. There can be more than one site that matches the description in the clue. Explain to students that if you find different sites than your friend that’s okay. They all could be sites that match the clues.  


Practice: Have students do Sleuth’s worksheet. Students may work in pairs or groups depending on computer availability.


Evaluation: Check to see that all students have found all the sites. Do the worksheet yourself first in order to have a reference for some of the sites students may find. Check the sites you do not have listed and compare to students’ findings to ensure activity has been completed correctly.





 Sleuth's Worksheet


Each Clue has a key word in italics to help you find the site. Enter the Web Address under "Location".


1. There is a Broccoli Town  in the USA . Find a recipe from Mom's Kitchen at this site.




2.  Find a list of the Farmers Markets in the USA  and find one in or near your town.


    Location _____________________________________________________________


3.  Kids can make a difference for hungry people. Find a kids website about hunger.


    Location _____________________________________________________________


4.  Many students eat school lunches every day. Find a site about healthy school lunches.


    Location _______________________________________________________________


5.  Find a site for farmers that tells them what the weather will be and has other information about agriculture and farming.


    Location ________________________________________________________________


6. Find a cereal city where you find many breakfast foods and cartoon characters.


    Location ______________________________________________________________


7. Find a list of the state parks in your state. Find one near you.


    Location _______________________________________________________________


8. Find a list of the Recycling Centers in your state. Locate the address of one near your home town.


    Location __________________________________________________________________


9. Find the Web site for your science text Book. Look on the Inside under Publishers to find the website.


    Location ____________________________________________________________________


10. Find your school's or District's web site. (Type in your school name or district name)

