
Oral Presentation Criteria and Evaluation Sheet

Standard Comments Meets standard Does not meet standard
Presentation is informational


Student uses more than one


Contains "facts/details that help listeners focus."


Student uses "appropriate volume, pitch, phrasing, pace and gestures to expressively communicate meaning."      
Student uses "details, examples, anecdotes or experience to explain or clarify information."


Student practices good eye contact.


Student emphasizes "points in ways that assist the listener in following key ideas and concepts."      
Student uses "traditional structures for conveying information (e.g. cause and effect, similarity and differences, posing and answering questions."      
Student presents "effective introductions and conclusions."



Student Name________________________________________Class/Teacher_______________


Grading Rubric Standards and Mechanics

Name of group members:










1.3 Use organizational features of printed text to locate relevant information.

(Information in PP is relevant to question being addressed)

1.4 Create simple documents by using electronic media and employing organizational features

1.6 Edit and revise manuscripts to improve the meaning and focus of writing by adding, deleting, consolidating, clarifying, and rearranging words and sentences

2.3 Write research reports about important ideas, issues, or events by using the following guidelines:

1.4. Use correct capitalization.            
1.5 Spell roots, suffixes, prefixes, contractions, and syllable constructions correctly

Visual Arts            
2.3 Demonstrate beginning skill in the manipulation of digital imagery

2.4 Draw inferences, conclusions, or generalizations about text and support them with textual evidence and prior knowledge.


Comments                                                                                                               Total

35 -30 = A

29 -24= B

23-18 = C

17-12 = D

< 11 = F


Peer, Group, and Individual Multi - Media Presentation Rubric

Score Content Mechanics Design Cooperation
 5 -Excellent
  • All questions are answered accurately and completely.
  • Well written with no more than 2 or 3 minor grammar/spelling errors.
  • Text is very easy to read 
  • Excellent use of graphics, style, and color
  • Members work cooperatively all the time
  • No teacher intervention required
  • Work was divided fairly
4- Good
  • Most questions are answered accurately and completely.
  • Well written with no more than 5 or 6 minor grammar/spelling errors.
  • Text is easy to read 
  • Good use of graphics, style, and color
  • Members work  cooperatively most of the time 
  • Minimal teacher intervention required
  • Work was divided somewhat fairly
3- Average
  • Many questions are answered accurately and completely.
  • Some minor/spelling errors 
  • A few serious errors 
  • Errors do not make it difficult to understand
  • Text is fairly easy to read 
  • Fairly good use of graphics, style, and color
  • Members work cooperatively some of the time
  • Some teacher intervention required
  • Work was divided somewhat fairly
2- Needs Work
  • Some questions are answered accurately and completely.
  • Many serious or minor errors
  • Somewhat difficult to understand
  • Text is somewhat difficult to read 
  •  Poor use of graphics, style, and color
  • Little cooperation shown
  • Some teacher intervention required
  • Some members did most of the work
1- Re-do
  • Few questions are answered accurately and completely.
  • Poorly written with many serious and minor errors
  • Very difficult to understand
  • Text is very difficult to read
  • No use of color or graphics
  • Minimal cooperation
  • Frequent teacher intervention required 
  • Some members did all of the work
Peer Assessment        
Teacher Assessment        
 Name:       Final Grade: ______

