The TeachNet Project sponsored with major funding by the AT&T Learning Network

seeks to improve student achievement by providing training, grants, networking and resource sharing to teachers at four of the Teachers Network affiliates nationwide.

Funding Provided by Alias Wavefront

Not Another State Report, Again!
Using Old Technology with a New Twist for Project-Based Learning.

How it works:

This unit will address a new approach to learning about the fifty states that we all know and love.  Instead of assigning the "same old report", let your students use creative strategies and technology to demonstrate their knowledge about their state.

Students will gather information about their state from various resources (text, videos, and selected Internet sites (evaluated by the teacher first!).  They will locate general information such as the state flag, population, government, etc.  They will also look for activities (cultural, historical and recreational) to include in their final presentation.

The lessons will include: keeping data about a "Vacation Trip" to their state on a spreadsheet;  creating a map of their state and using Microsoft Excel to diagram the map;  surveying students and staff at their school and inputting data into a spreadsheet;  and lastly, compiling all projects into a final Power Point Presentation.


Language Arts:

v    Reading

Ø     Reading Comprehension 5.2

¨      5.2.1-Understand how text features such as format, graphics, diagrams, etc. make information accessible and usable

¨      5.2.2-Analyze text which is organized in sequential or chronological order

¨      5.2.3-Discern main ideas and concepts presented in texts, identifying and assessing evidence that supports those ideas

¨     5.2.4- Draw inferences, conclusions or generalizations and support with textual evidence and prior knowledge


Ø     Writing Strategies 1.0

¨      5.4.4- Locate relevant information about a topic using organizational features of printed text

¨      5.4.5-Creae simple documents using electronic media and employing organizational features

¨     5.4.7- Revise and edit manuscripts to improve the meaning and focus of writing by adding, deleting, consolidation, clarifying and rearranging words and sentences

Ø     Writing Application Genres 2.0

5.5.3- Write research reports on topics relevant to curriculum and student interest

Estimated Class Periods to Complete


Software and Materials Used:

v     Internet Access

v     Microsoft Office (Excel, Power Point and Word)

v     Digital Camera

v     Kid Pix or any Paint Program


Language Arts, State Reports, Digital Cameras,
Diagramming and Labeling Pictures

The Students:

The students in this project must have a prior knowledge of Power Point and using the Internet. They must be able to evaluate information in text and on the web, to determine the relevancy for their project.  Information Literacy is a skill they will develop throughout the project.

Overall Value:

When teachers continually ask students to produce multi-page written reports, year after year, the learning of the content material is lost in the monotony.  This unit will give alternative ideas for reporting information.  Students will produce not only a Power Point Presentation for their final project, but that presentation will include different strategies for disseminating their knowledge. 

Tips for the teacher:

Use the "Train the Trainers" strategy when students are beginning to learn how to use the various programs.  This way you are not the only "expert" in the classroom.  Use that approach with any new technology skill that is introduced to students, teachers and parents!

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Tracy Sturgell  is currently a Teacher On Special Assignment for Technology in the Santa Maria-Bonita School District in Santa Maria, California, as well as a Santa Barbara County CTAP Technology Mentor.   She has worked in her district for 19 years as an educator in grades 1-6.  Tracy has served as a tech leader in her district since 1984.