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New TeachNet Units 2007:

Teacher Innovator Projects | Adapter Grants | Ready-Set-Tech Grants

The TeachNet Technology grant program is designed to award stipends to teachers who have developed technology rich units that use the Internet to deliver standards based curriculum. The links below will take you to this year's TeachNet units.

The technology-integrated curriculum projects are published on local and national Teachers Network websites as online databases, and teachers are encouraged to use and adapt the projects.

Technology units may be submitted for approval ongoing until April 15
TeachNet Recipients will be honored at the Education Celebration on May 24.
To submit your technology curriculum, click on the selected grant title.

TeachNet Innovator Grant Application- $600
Units consisting of approximately four lessons that integrate web resources, and technology to deliver and present the curriculum.

TeachNet Adapter Grant Application- $300
Adapt a unit from the National TeachNet Website and submit your new version with student work samples. Visit the National TeachNet website:

Ready-Set-Tech Application- $300
Individual lessons that utilize technology, and Internet resources.

Link to Teachnet

For more information contact:

Louise Fisher , Director
Teacher Programs and Support
Santa Barbara County Education Office
P.O. Box 6307, Santa Barbara, CA  93160-6307

Phone: (805) 964-4711, x5281
FAX:   (805) 964-2641

Rebecca Fagan Coulter
Teacher Programs Assistant

Santa Barbara County
Education Office

Santa Barbara Teachnet | Last update April 18, 2007 | Contact: Jack Meyer, Webmeister | | Sitemap