
Calorie: A unit of measure, like and inch or pound. Calories measure the amount of energy your body gets from food.

Body Mass Index (BMI) Is a measure of body fat based on height and weight.

Fat A concentrated form of energy. Fat provides 9 calories per gram, more than twice as much energy as protein and carbohydrate.

Carbohydrate The body's most readily available source of energy. Each gram of carbohydrate provides 4calories of energy.

Protein A major component of all body tissue. Your body needs protein to grow and repair itself, and is also a necessary component of hormones, enzymes and hemoglobin.

Lesson 3

Testing Your Food I.Q.

Instructional Objective

In this lesson, students will develop a more thorough understanding of the nutritional analysis of the food they eat.

Time Required

A minimum of one fifty-minute class period for students to take the Food I.Q. tests. If computer access is limited, students may need to rotate or work as a group to take these quizzes. This can increase time needed.


You may assign Prior for this assignment which meet your needs. As a part of the nutrition portfolio, I assign 1 point for each food item analyzed with a goal of 20 food items total analyzed.


Connecting Prior Knowledge/Experience/Learning

This lesson begins as teacher reminds students of the activity we did to introduce Lesson 1. Students are asked if they ever consider nutritional analysis of food items when they select food at their favorite restaurant/fast food/refrigerator. Students are directed to select items they would commonly choose to eat and analyze their choices.

Guided Practice

Teacher demonstrates how to check nutritional analysis of food items on the Food Analysis using an overhead or LCD projector.

Individual Practice/Homework

Students identify which items they wish to analyze, complete the analysis and print the results for inclusion in their portfolio.


Students are generally very engaged in analyzing food items and often have, "just one more..." item they wish to check. I offer one-half point extra credit for each item over twenty students which to include in their portfolio.


Advance Preparation/Prerequisite Knowledge/Skills/Illustrative Materials

This activity also works best where students have access to computers individually at Food Analysis website.

If that is not possible, teacher may download the nutritional analysis of typical food items and have photocopy packets available for students to use as resources.