Coming To America

The KWL chart below is used to assess the knowledge and concepts the students have at the outset of the unit and again at the end of the unit. At the outset of the unit, brainstorming discussions lead to the students completing the K and W columns. The L column is completed at the culmination of the unit. This chart may be used to follow student progress as students put into words the knowledge and concepts that they have learned in the unit.


What we know?


What we want to know?


What we have learned?

 People immigrated to the United States from other countries. Which countries did people immigrate to the United States from? Where are these countries located? Immigrants come to the United states from almost every country in the world.
Immigrants had various reasons for leaving their homelands. Why did immigrants leave their homelands to move to the United States. In most cases, immigration took place as a result of very serious reasons. Immigrants left their homelands to immigrate to the United States to get away from dangers such as wars, persecution, floods, earthquakes. Some immigrants left their homelands to avoid army conscription. Others left their homelands to procure better jobs, schools, lifestyles, and to join other family members who were already living in the United States. Some immigrants were looking for adventure.
People chose the United States as the country they wanted to live in. Why did people choose the United States as the country they wanted to live in? Freedom of religion and speech, good economy, lack of war, good educational systems, temperate climate, no military draft, having relatives in the US are some reasons why people choose to immigrate to the United States.
People had to travel far to immigrate to the United States. How did people travel to the United States? People traveled by whatever means were accessible to them. Modes of transportation include walking, horse/carriage and train to get to a ship, plane or helicopter. Often travel to the United States involved hardship and poor living conditions.
Many immigrants face difficulties as a result of their immigration. What difficulties do immigrants face as a result of their immigration? When immigrating to a new country, people face difficulties such as learning a new language, finding a job, finding housing, leaving their jobs, homes and families, making friends, adjusting to a different life style.  (Because of these hardships the decisions to immigrate the reasons for immigrations were very seriously weighed and considered).
Many immigrants are able to overcome difficulties encountered as a result of their immigration and adapt to life in the United States. What factors influence some immigrants chances of overcoming initial difficulties? What actions can immigrants take to overcome initial difficulties and adapt to life in the United states? Factors that influence immigrants chances of overcoming initial difficulties are the economy of the country,  social programs, help from friends and family, educational opportunities, skills and talents of immigrants, and attitudes fostering hard work and determination to succeed.
Many immigrants made important contributions to American society. How have immigrants contributed to American society? What are contributions that immigrants have made to American society? We appreciate the many contributions made by immigrants to the United States. Many of these contributions resulted in new inventions and technology, advancements in scientific and medical developments, the enrichment of our culture in fields such as education, social programs, art, architecture, music, and literature, cuisine, and  fashion, and advancements to our business and economy.

Evaluative Comments:

The KWL chart demonstrates that students have grasped the main concepts of the immigration unit. These concepts include:


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