THE CAY: Creatures of the Coral Reef

by Audrey Woloshin, P.S. 101

Lesson 1: Introduction to The Cay
Lesson 2: Author study on Theodore Taylor for a book jacket
Lesson 3: What is a coral reef?
Lesson 4: Using technology to research coral reefs

Student Level: Grade 5

Major Goals and Instructional Objectives:

1. Students will appreciate the connection between multicultural literature and science.

2. Students will obtain an appreciation for science and a respect for all living creatures and natural environments.

3. Students will become familiar with vocabulary associated with coral reefs.

4. Students will increase their competencies in using computer technology research information, fill in data bases, and import pictures to illustrate the coral reefs.

5. Students will be able to organize and interpret information in the form of an informative report.

 6. Students will respect each other while working cooperatively in small group situations.

Timeline: 10-12 Class periods

Setting: Classroom


1. KWL Chart

2. Vocabulary data sheet

3. Analyze informative reports

4. Analysis of databases

5. Review book jackets

6. Unit Tests


1. The student produces an informative report.

2. The student demonstrates an ability to read and comprehend informative materials.

3. The student demonstrates knowledge of the English Language in written and oral work.

4. The student participates in group meetings.

Books/ Magazines:

The Cay, by Theodore Taylor
Time Magazine (World Report Edition)

Web Sites: -These three web sites present biographical information about the author - Theodore Taylor - This web site discusses the novel - This web site enables students to listen to excerpts of the novel.
- This web site contains an essay by the author about his inspiration to write this book. - These sites are online encyclopedias - These links provide photographs of coral reefs along with a description of reef composition and formation.