Gray Whales
by Henry

 The Description of the Gray Whale

    The Gray Whale grows to a length of 45 feet and my weigh more than 30 tons. It has one, two, or four grooves under its throat and its yellowish baleen is more than a foot and a half long. The skin is mottled black, gray, and white. They are usually covered with
barnacles and whale lice.

by John

    They can be found only in the North Pacific Ocean. Gray whales migrate between the coast of northern
Mexico and the northern Bering Sea. Gray whales make a 10,000 mile trip from Alaska to Mexico to mate and have their young. Migration is one way the gray whales adapt to changes in the seasons. In the summer, the gray whales go north  and n the winter the female whales go south to give birth.


by Susan


    The diet of gray whales consists mainly of invertebrates . The whale sucks in mud along with it food then spits out the muddy water