Slide Show Rubric

Please pay careful attention to the following categories

when planning and creating your Brooklyn Slide Show. 




Needs Improvement


Created a web of 20 landmark ideas.

Created a web of at least 10 landmark ideas.

Web was incomplete or not done at all.


Wrote down all of the websites where the photographs were found.


Wrote down some of the websites where the photographs were found.

Did not write down the websites of where the photographs were found.

  Slide show and all materials needed for presentation were ready by the due date.   Slide show and all materials needed for presentation were not ready by the due date.


Photographs were from Brooklyn and interesting.  The landmark's meaning was clear  and we learned about Brooklyn's history. Photographs were organized in a certain order.

Most photographs were from Brooklyn and some were interesting. Some meaning and history was learned from the landmarks. Some photographs were organized.

Used photographs that were not from Brooklyn or photographs were not significant or interesting.  No meaning or history was learned from the slide show.  There was no organization or order to the slide show.

Technical Specifications

 Slide show reflected a great deal of effort and creativity.

 Slide show reflected some work and effort.

Slide show reflected only a  little work and effort.

Every slide contained a slide transition.

Slide transitions were not used for 1-2 slides.

Slide transitions were not used for more than 2 slides.


Slide show contained no misspellings or grammar errors.

Slide show contained 1-2 spelling or grammar errors.

Slide show contained 3 or more spelling or grammar errors.

Slide show had an introduction  and a conclusion.

Slide show had only an introduction or a  conclusion.

Slide show did not have either an introduction or a conclusion.


Slide show

An outstanding slide show. The slide show kept my interest and was among the very best in class.

A good slide show. Demonstrated the ability to use the various features of the program.

The slide show was not informative or interesting.  Directions were not followed.

*Modified by Marion Peluso, P.S. 101, March 2002, original found at