Teachers and students need clearly defined, shared criteria

Learning goals, activities, & assessments should align-explicitly

Type of Assessment should match type of understanding

bullet recall, knowledge transfer, content, skills, context

Purpose of assessment in unit:

bullet Diagnostic (progress)
bullet Formative
bullet Summative

Provide assessment for varying student ability levels & learning styles

For TeachNet units we need to include:

bullet Shareable tools
Student samples
(beginning, intermediate, exemplary)
bullet annotated












What are possible criteria?

What are possible ways to share criteria with students?



How do we adapt a unit to lower/higher initial diagnostic?

What are alternate assessment tools?

What assessment types are appropriate for different understandings?


Once you have assessment data, where do you go from there? What do you do with it?



How many student work samples should we include in our units?

What details are needed for annotation?



What role can technology play?







bullet rubric (specificity)
bullet checklist
bullet illustration of exemplary samples
bullet informal and formal discussions/conferences
bullet feedback

Easier questions; fewer answers; increasing/decreasing challenges; new avenues; alternative assignments; different roles

Skills: practice and demonstrate

Knowledge Based:
tests, writing essays and reports

comparisons; multi-media; attitudinal; feedback; re-teach;
alternative method; revising goals;
revise level of assessment

Think "alternative"
bullet Multiple Intellect
bullet attention span
bullet minimum of 3 work samples
bullet audience replication
bullet illustrating/explaining


bullet student publications
bullet scanning work
bullet photos of work
bullet other teachers/students can see work
bullet new avenues for student expression
bullet alternative process of assessment
bullet motivational
bullet teacher portfolio
bullet student portfolio
bullet web pages
bullet self-esteem
bullet research (student & teacher)