Graphing : Market Research Graph
Teacher Name: Mr. Salcedo
Student Name:     ________________________________________
CATEGORY 4 3 2 1
Neatness and Attractiveness Exceptionally well designed, neat, and attractive. Colors that go well together are used to make the graph more readable. A ruler and graph paper (or graphing computer program) are used. Neat and relatively attractive. A ruler and graph paper (or graphing computer program) are used to make the graph more readable. Lines are neatly drawn but the graph appears quite plain. Appears messy and "thrown together" in a hurry. Lines are visibly crooked.
Type of Graph Chosen Graph fits the data well and makes it easy to interpret. Graph is adequate and does not distort the data, but interpretation of the data is somewhat difficult. Graph distorts the data somewhat and interpretation of the data is somewhat difficult. Graph seriously distorts the data making interpretation almost impossible.
Title Title is creative and clearly relates to the problem being graphed (includes dependent and independent variable). It is printed at the top of the graph. Title clearly relates to the problem being graphed (includes dependent and independent variable) and is printed at the top of the graph. A title is present at the top of the graph. A title is not present.
Labeling of X axis The X axis has a clear, neat label that describes the units used for the independent variable (e.g, days, months, participants' names). The X axis has a clear label that describes the units used for the independent variable. The X axis has a label. The X axis is not labeled.
Labeling of Y axis The Y axis has a clear, neat label that describes the units and the dependent variable (e.g, % of dogfood eaten; degree of satisfaction). The Y axis has a clear label that describes the units and the dependent variable (e.g, % of dogfood eaten; degree of satisfaction). The Y axis has a label. The Y axis is not labeled.
Data Table Data in the table is well organized, accurate, and easy to read. Survey results have 5 or more products compared. Data in the table is organized, accurate, and easy to read. Survey results have 4 products compared. Data in the table is accurate and easy to read. Survey results have 3 products compared. Data in the table is not accurate and/or cannot be read. Survey results have 2 or less products compared.
Creativity Graph is dynamic, enticing, creative and colorful. Graph is enticing, creative and colorful. Graph is creative and colorful. Graph demonstrates little to no color and creativity.