Ø     Students will utilize graphic organizers to aid critical thinking skills and to organize information.

Ø     Students will participate in group meetings and discussions to achieve the group’s goals.

Ø     Students will begin to develop positive cooperative learning behaviors and skills.


¨     DURATION: 2 Class Sessions


¨     TECHNOLOGY: Internet Access


¨     SOFTWARE: INSPIRATION Software (brainstorming,

    note-taking, graphic organizers, …), MS Word, MS Excel


¨     TEACHER’S ROLE: The teacher is both an instructor, when teaching a specific software/program (INSPIRATIION Software, MS Word), a role model, who demonstrates how to act and behave, and a facilitator, who provides guidance to groups and individual students. While the students are brainstorming about possible destinations, circulate around the groups. You might have to guide some groups in their brainstorming activity. You will probably have to demonstrate and remind students of how to act and behave in cooperative learning groups.


¨     TASK: Introduce the project. State the task clearly and clarify if necessary.


¨     DIRECT INSTRUCTION: Teach students to create graphic organizers or on use of INSPIRATION Software.




Ø     Explain the purpose of group work and acceptable behavior for both individuals and groups.


Ø     Discuss the importance of keeping deadlines and the responsibility of each member to the group. Each group will determine its own guidelines, framework, and deadlines.


Ø     Introduce the 3Rs  for group members:

·        Reasonable:

q       Demonstrates self-control during disagreements.

·        Respectful:

q       Listens carefully and politely when other group members talk. Does not interrupt; awaits her/his turn.

·        Responsible:

q       Works with group members; realizes that he/she is an essential part of the group.

q       Fulfills designated tasks.

q       Meets deadlines.

q       Recognizes that her/his behavior reflects on not only her/him but on the group.


Ø     All groups will choose a recorder to record notes. Then each group will brainstorm about possible destinations. Individual group members will use the Internet to research possible destinations and the value of the USD as compared to the national currency or the Euro. Finally each group will meet to discuss its findings and to determine the group's destination.


¨     MATH JOURNAL: Explain the purpose of a math journal and that they are required to write in their math journals at least three times a week. In the math journal, they may write about issues that concern them such as the progress of the project, ask questions, make suggestions, offer insights, reflections, and voice opinions. Additionally, when the project is finished, they are to thoroughly respond to the following:

Ø     What math skills did you use in this project?

Ø     How did math influence your decision-making?

Ø     Was it difficult to include the criteria and stay within the budget?

Ø     How does this project relate to real-life events?

Ø     Can the knowledge, which was acquired in this project, be applied in other situations? How?

Ø     Think about your experiences as a group member.

·        What did you learn about yourself?

·        What did you learn about your group skills?

·        What did you do well?

·        What do you need to improve?