The purpose of this assignment is twofold. First, the students use the Internet to search for information. Second, the veracity of their answers are challenged when the answers are read aloud in the classroom. In order to prove who is right and who is wrong, further research must be done; then it is decided which answer is correct.

Information Management/Communications
Explores on-line services as an information source
Uses the reading process effectively
Computer with online capability


  1. The students search for answers to the following questions on the Internet using various online encyclopedias as well as search engines.

  2. They type their answers and cite the name of the website where the information was found.

  3. Several examples of questions are:

                        1) How long is the Missouri River? (measured in miles)

                        2) Sacagawea was a Shoshone Indian. Find two facts about that tribe.

                        3) Name three animals found on the expedition.

                        4) Why did Thomas Jefferson want Lewis and Clark to lead the expedition?

                        5) Find a website from St. Charles, MO that relates to the Lewis and Clark Expedition. E-mail
                            it and ask a question.

The grade will be based on the number of questions answered correctly using the individual school's percentage system. In the case of two different answers for a question, teacher discretion will be used.

List ten new vocabulary words found on a website pertaining to Lewis and Clark. Write the definitions.

Sites to visit
Lewis and Clark Trail.Com  http://lewisandclarktrail.com/
Lewis and Clark on the Information Super Highway http://lcarchive.org/
Extension Activities
Publish a question and answer book based on the questions used in this lesson. Have each student find the answers to three more questions each.

Learn how to research online by using Google. Use search words "Lewis and Clark," "Lewis and Clark Expedition," "Northwest Passage," "Jefferson and the Louisiana Purchase"