Don't Settle for a Byte...Get the Megabyte On Technology!

How It Works: 
Learn the most widely used word processing program in the world. Learn it, and you possess the power to create stunning text documents with a state-of-the-art word processor loaded with features! Learn how to use Excel. Use it to easily create spreadsheets and analyze data with charts and graphs. A "must know" program for anyone. Learn how to use PowerPoint to create stunning presentations. This unit will show you how to be a pro in no time. Learn how to use FrontPage to create web pages in just a view steps. No one can underestimate the power of technology. Don’t take a Byte…Take the Megabyte!

Use common input and output devices efficiently and effectively. Such as: demonstrate use of computer hardware, manipulate a variety of input devices, use output devices appropriately, demonstrate use of storage devices, start and quit software programs independently. Move, delete and insert text and/or graphics in a word processed document. Recognize and explore spreadsheet programs. Manipulate and modify an illustration in a draw/paint program. Recognize and explore software packages like Microsoft Office. Insert a text watermark and picture watermark, input data into spreadsheet cells, understand basic spreadsheet terminology such as: cell, column, row. use Microsoft Publisher to create a book cover from a blank presentation include the authors name, an illustration and the publisher’s name (if known) use the tools from the toolbox to create a book cover in MS Publisher work with fonts, styles and formats in MS Publisher insert clip art into their document how to use MS Publisher’s Wizard, to create a document learn how to manipulate clip art in a document learn how to save their document print their finished document learn to use online clip art resources learn to create web pages using the program FrontPage. add backgrounds, rules, and graphics to web pages to create an attractive design research the library and the internet to find information about a topic. organize and present the information on a web site. The whole world could have access to your site. learn that there are different ways to search internet sources that will give you more accurate hits. be introduced to the search tools: "and", "not", and "or" to narrow searches for more accurate hits. given the opportunity to use their new words in an actual Internet search topic.

Estimated Class Periods To Complete:
10 or more 

Software Materials Used:
Microsoft Office Suite: PowerPoint, Excel, Word Processor, Publisher, FrontPage

document, background, image, watermark, text, format, menu, diagonal, horizontal, spreadsheet, cell, column, row, survey, data, data collection, graph, chart, x axis, y axis, blank publication, tool box, text box, drag, document, format, font, insert, Multimedia, storyboard, presentation, document, slide, layout, template, format menu, alignment, edit, crop, transition, animation, hyperlink, formatting, background, template, homepage, hyperlinks, edit, preview, browser, navigate, table, Boolean, search, evaluation, navigability, design, interactivity, appealing, credibility

This project is suitable for the intermediate grades in elementary school and can be adapted for middle school students as well. The lessons take into consideration the different learning styles of students. Students can be grouped in order to complete projects or they can be done individually. Students will need basic skills in reading and writing as well as technology.

Technology has become a vital part of our lives. With that in mind we would fail as educators if we don't our students the opportunity to work with technology. Don't hesitate and sink your teeth into this unit before technology takes a byte out of you!

Conduct basic training on Internet navigation prior to beginning unit. Check all links to make sure they are still active. Have all printables ready for students. Share the rubrics provided for each project so that students are well aware of expectations.

About the Teacher: 
Rosa M. Sampedro has been teaching in the Miami-Dade Public School System for 19 years. She received her Bachelor's Degree and Master's Degree from Florida International University. She is the Technology Specialist and Activity Director. She is also the Parent Trainer and School Site Coordinator for the Citibank FamilyTech program in her school. She is currently the Lead Teacher for the "I Choose" Dual Language Program at Lorah Park Elementary School.

Computer Science

Grade Levels: 
4 - 12

Email Rosa


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