Lesson Plan #3

Duration:   2 days  


Students will:

1.Read aloud the story Clever Tom and the Leprechaun
2. Locate on world map country of Ireland
3. Identify customs of Ireland
4. Identify customs of Saint Patrick's Day
5. Identify Saint Patrick


library book
world map
copies of world map
colored pencils

Internet Access

Key Vocabulary:  

Map Scales, continents, customs



The teacher will read the book aloud before activities are introduced. Discussion of characters, setting, main idea, events and conclusion will be done as a whole group.


1. Research Ireland Customs, Saint Patrick, and potatoes.
2. Locate Ireland on a blank world map. Label continents, oceans, and surrounding countries. Color map.
3. Measure length and width of Ireland using a scale of miles.
4. Draw and color Ireland's flag.
5. Research leading potato growing states.
6. Grow a potato plant.
7. Find recipes using potatoes.

8.  Create a KidPix or Microsoft Powerpoint slide show with the information gathered.  Slideshows can be done individually or in groups.


Evaluate maps for requirements and appearance.
Evaluate research papers for accurate information.

Slideshow presentations Rubric

Home Learning:   

Students will monitor growth of potato plant and graph its growth weekly.

Student will create a slideshow timeline that depicts the growth of their potato plant.

Extension Activity:

The students should be familiar with sorting objects and graphing data in order to complete this activity.

The teacher will explain to the students that they will be sorting and graphing "Lucky Charms" cereal. Each student should receive a "handful" of cereal.

1st graders:  The teacher would ask the students to name ways the cereal could be sorted. A list would be made on the chalkboard. Each student would then be instructed to sort his own cereal using one of the rules listed. Each student would then graph his results on the teacher made graph.

2nd graders: The students would be instructed to sort the cereal by their own rules and graph the results. The students would develop their own graph using a sheet of plain color paper and a ruler.

To conclude the lesson: Students would be asked to share their graph with the class. The student would need to explain the sorting rule and read the data from his graph. Students would then be allowed to eat the "Lucky Charms." Yum!

The teacher can informally assess the students as they develop their own sorting rules, sort the cereal, and graph the data. The finished graph could be formally assessed.