Lesson 6

A Matter Of Taste

Class Cookbook


Duration:                Three class periods



Students will be able to identify the process of safe kitchen cooking, having the necessary ingredients, cookware and utensils.

Students will be able to gather information to write a family recipe.

Students will be become aware of the ingredients needed to cook their family's recipe.



Pencil and paper; large sheets of poster paper, masking tape color markers and crayons computer and word processor software

Samples of various cookbooks



cookware                cutlery                measuring instruments                whisk                        spatula



Brainstorm with the class all of the different local restaurants in your community that serve ethnic foods and list them on the board. Discuss how fun it can be to have the opportunity for such a variety of foods right in our own neighborhood and country.

Share with students a favorite ethnic dish from your cultural heritage and give students the opportunity to share theirs. Tell the students that the class is going to create its own recipe book. Bring in a recipe book of your own and show the students how a cookbook is divided. Discuss such things as the cover, title, table of contents, how the foods are organized, etc.

Provide students with a copy of the handout,  A Family Recipe.  Explain that the students are going to choose a favorite family recipe that represents their cultural heritage. Remind them that they will write the name of the recipe on the top of the box. They will also list the ingredients, go over measurements used (e.g., tablespoon, cup, etc.), and review how to write measurements in fractions.

Tell students to list the steps to follow and to make sure they are very clear in their directions. Remind them to write their name on the bottom.



Students will be assessed by means of a Recipe Assessment Rubric.


Home Learning:

Draw a picture or find a photograph that you already have (with parental permission) of the family member who either usually cooks the particular meal or is the originator of the recipe.



Have students learn how to say hello in various languages by visiting the Web site, Say Hello to the World, on the Internet Public Library's site.

Have students create a multicultural restaurant. Create its name, its appearance, and include in its menu all the recipes brought in by the students.

Have students work in cooperative groups to create a mural that depicts children from around the world, symbols of holidays, traditions, customs, and clothing.


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